Is it possible to include dropdownlist items in workflow emails?
If you are using a prevalue source for the list, the value of the list is whatever you set it to be. If you create the list items yourself however, you get a GUID, which isn't going to mean anything to the person reading the email. In this instance, say you had a contact reason in the dropdown and wanted to use that as the subject. Without using prevalues, its not possible (unless there's a special syntax for including list items).
That sounds like a bug, it should be default just pass the prevalue to the email, will add to our issue tracker and include it in the next maintance release..
Just did some tests and the dropdown value does appear correct in the mails, but when using the save as node workflow and mapping it to a textstring you get the GUID instead of the value.
This also includes the dropdownlist, with a minor modification ( only return value not the key of the prevalue ) this should fix your problem (untill we release the next maintenance release)
Thanks for that Tim, obviously it's not ideal as i can't build from the shared source to replace the default feildtype in my site.
So I should then create another (custom) fieldtype (by copying the source of dropdownlist and calling it 'dropdown working' etc) which does the job of a dropdownlist correctly and apply that in my forms, rather than the default faulty dropdownlist?
Hi Josh, that was just a temp workaround, we are making the last changes to the 1.0.9 maintenance release and it will be out shortly, so simply upgrading to that version should fix the issue you are having.
Including Dropdown Lists in Workflow Emails
Is it possible to include dropdownlist items in workflow emails?
If you are using a prevalue source for the list, the value of the list is whatever you set it to be. If you create the list items yourself however, you get a GUID, which isn't going to mean anything to the person reading the email. In this instance, say you had a contact reason in the dropdown and wanted to use that as the subject. Without using prevalues, its not possible (unless there's a special syntax for including list items).
I am also interested in this as it seems in the default "create a node from record" the dropdownlist selected value only passes the GUID.
Am i wrong, has anyone used the default dropdownlist feildtype, added values and successfully tried using this to populate a node textstring?
That sounds like a bug, it should be default just pass the prevalue to the email, will add to our issue tracker and include it in the next maintance release..
Thanks Per, eagerly anticipating an update/patch for this... ;)
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Just did some tests and the dropdown value does appear correct in the mails, but when using the save as node workflow and mapping it to a textstring you get the GUID instead of the value.
Yep, thats the issue Tim - Emails fine, node creation no-go.
I need a maintence update with this fixed asap as I have a project due to go live by end of month (March) using this default functionality!
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@Josh, you got mail
@Tim - Any luck and progress after our conversations the other night?
Would be great to get it all sorted asap, thanks heaps.
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Hi Josh,
we've just released the sourcecode of all components that are by default in Contour
This also includes the dropdownlist, with a minor modification ( only return value not the key of the prevalue ) this should fix your problem (untill we release the next maintenance release)
Thanks for that Tim, obviously it's not ideal as i can't build from the shared source to replace the default feildtype in my site.
So I should then create another (custom) fieldtype (by copying the source of dropdownlist and calling it 'dropdown working' etc) which does the job of a dropdownlist correctly and apply that in my forms, rather than the default faulty dropdownlist?
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Hi Josh, that was just a temp workaround, we are making the last changes to the 1.0.9 maintenance release and it will be out shortly, so simply upgrading to that version should fix the issue you are having.
is working on a reply...