Hmm not sure will have to check the code for that but in case it works it should be the with the following syntax //Submissions/Category[name=[$formfield]]
A quick "outside" observation: Using square-brackets as part of the replacement could potentially be a problem, since the XPath itself will be invalid...
Any specific reason for having to use them like that?
hehe - I'm totally aware of that, didn't mean to sound as if I didn't get it :)
It's just that in other places where XPath is used (e.g. the MNTP) they're just "magic variables" – here, you also need to wrap them in square brackets, which has their own meaning in XPath - so can be potentially confusing if you've started to get familiar with XPath for some of the places it can be used...
Really, I was probably more concerned about the consistency-issue than the XPath-issue here.
Save to input specific node using xpath in contour
Is it possible to make an xpath to save a new document in a node relative to one of the form fields?
Like //Submissions/Category[name=$formfield]
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Hmm not sure will have to check the code for that but in case it works it should be the with the following syntax //Submissions/Category[name=[$formfield]]
so[$formfield] will be replaced
A quick "outside" observation: Using square-brackets as part of the replacement could potentially be a problem, since the XPath itself will be invalid...
Any specific reason for having to use them like that?
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@Chriztian, well the replacement will happen on the string before it is used as an xpath statement
hehe - I'm totally aware of that, didn't mean to sound as if I didn't get it :)
It's just that in other places where XPath is used (e.g. the MNTP) they're just "magic variables" – here, you also need to wrap them in square brackets, which has their own meaning in XPath - so can be potentially confusing if you've started to get familiar with XPath for some of the places it can be used...
Really, I was probably more concerned about the consistency-issue than the XPath-issue here.
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Currently it won't work but it's an easy update if you are up for upgrading to a nightly?
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Just made the changes, you can upgrade to 3.0.29 WIP build that available here
Thanks, I will look into that!
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So did that do the trick?
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to upgrade yet.
is working on a reply...