But on form submit no value gets saved. So my question is how do we do we handle the saving of data for custom fieldtypes? The Fieldtype.[nameOfField].cshtml is created to render the fieldtype, but then where does the saving of data mechanism is placed?
Would appreciate if you can provide some guidance on this.
How to save data for Custom FieldTypes in Contour
I looked at the Matrix custom data type some time ago at https://our.umbraco.org/projects/developer-tools/matrixlist-for-contour/ and again stumbled on similar requirement, so looking for some guidance.
Contour Matrix dataype required a razor view for it to work (display) on the Umbraco 7, so I created the FieldType.matrixlist.cshtml under umbracoContour/Views folder and it renders the matrix correctly; The actual cshtml is in the post at https://our.umbraco.org/projects/developer-tools/matrixlist-for-contour/bug-reports/53935-Razor-partial-view-support
But on form submit no value gets saved. So my question is how do we do we handle the saving of data for custom fieldtypes? The Fieldtype.[nameOfField].cshtml is created to render the fieldtype, but then where does the saving of data mechanism is placed?
Would appreciate if you can provide some guidance on this.
is working on a reply...