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  • Steven 9 posts 29 karma points
    May 28, 2010 @ 11:00

    Contactform not showing on page?

    Hi :)

    I have a little problem with the contour form. I have installed the package, and I everything seems fine in the backend. I can create a contact form, and test it from the backend, and it seems to work fine. But when I implement it like in the video tutorial, trough a rich text editor, it doesn't show up on the publieshed page (it does show up in the rich text-editor). If i enable out put escaping on the bodyText I can see that some of the code for the form is being rendered, but it stops after:

    <?UMBRACO_MACRO formguid="b5be5804-ad54-45ae-bb6a-d39e43776cf3" macroAlias="umbracoContour.RenderForm" />

    I am working on a test server, so the client can see the webpage as it progress. I suspect that it might be something with a license?

    I have a license for and our IT-guy has configured our test-server to  where it was before. 

    (I don't know much about setting up servers I must admit)

    I'm working on Umbraco v. 4.0.3. if thats any help :)





  • Steven 9 posts 29 karma points
    May 28, 2010 @ 12:58

    Seems like I found a solution.

    When using a rich-text-editor (RTE) for inserting the contactform, it needs a <form runat="server"> </form> around the macro.

    For some reason I can't get it to include the <form runat="server"></form> in the RTE, so I'll include it in my template instead. Just did a quick test, and it works. Now I just need to rearange my template and XSL a little :)


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