I created a form with "Name" mandatory field and "City" not mandatory field. With an xslt file, I display the last entries. But, if there is no City entered, instead of displaying nothing, it displays the last City entered.
For instance, Joe New York, will display Joe - Toronto. But if someone does not enter his city : Doug, it will display Doug - Toronto.
I can I correct that to display nothing if the personne entered nothing?
this is a simple xslt issue. You need to get the last uformrecord before displaying the field values, //uformrecord[last()]/fields/name/value and //uformrecord[last()]/fields/city/value on the records and then go for the /fields/name/value (try to use single / instead of // where possible).
Get last approuved even if empty
I created a form with "Name" mandatory field and "City" not mandatory field. With an xslt file, I display the last entries. But, if there is no City entered, instead of displaying nothing, it displays the last City entered.
For instance, Joe New York, will display Joe - Toronto. But if someone does not enter his city : Doug, it will display Doug - Toronto.
I can I correct that to display nothing if the personne entered nothing?
Here's my xslt :
Hi there,
this is a simple xslt issue. You need to get the last uformrecord before displaying the field values, //uformrecord[last()]/fields/name/value and //uformrecord[last()]/fields/city/value on the records and then go for the /fields/name/value (try to use single / instead of // where possible).
Hope this helps,
is working on a reply...