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  • Ralph 10 posts 30 karma points
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 17:02

    Domains, locations and url's

    I'm baffled by the terms.

    I've Umbraco and courier running on 2 machines. One is my development server and the other one is the acceptance server. Both run the same site and are reachable by localhost via IIS..... How does this compare to the location url in courier?? In the documenation they ask to fill in the url of "the other site"...Is this just the hostname/ipadress to make it reachable???

  • Per Ploug 865 posts 3491 karma points MVP admin
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 19:41
    Per Ploug

    Hi Ralph

    Have you the read the configure and installation documentation on courier project page?

    From page it describes how to setup locations / repositories for moving content back and forth

  • Ralph 10 posts 30 karma points
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 09:39


    I'm sorry to say it, but the documentation isn't very clear on how to setup a location, only how to point to it. But first of all, let me say that I'm not a developper, but a system admin, so maybe my knowledge or point of view is different ;-). Let me try to explain what I have, so maybe you can tell me where I go wrong and what to change....

    I've 1 develop server. hostname devlan091.internaldomain.intra. On it is IIS with several (Umbraco)sites. The developper doens't use host header binding on IIS, but instead she uses different ports to reach the different sites via localhost. So for she uses localhost:81 and for she uses localhost:82. (I suspect this is the first part where we go wrong).

    The acceptance server is actualy the same situation....

    The live server uses host header binding, so each site runs on port 80, with a binding to the site, etc etc ......

    So, I think I need to configure the dev and acceptance site to have a host header binding, like devsite1.internaldomain.intra and accsite1.internaldomain.intra etc etc and then use those hostheaders for the licenses.....Is this correct? And if so, can I let me first license be resetted or something?

  • Per Ploug 865 posts 3491 karma points MVP admin
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 09:49
    Per Ploug

    Hi ralph

    Oki doki, to setup a location / repository you can connect to, go the /config/courier.config file for each of your 2 sites. So the idea is that the site on port 81 can access the port 82 site and vice-versa.

    so in the courier.config on the port 81 site you have a <repositories> xml node inside that node you copy paste this: 


    <repository name="My Port82 site" alias="port82" type="CourierWebserviceRepositoryProvider" visible="true">

    And then, in the port 82 site courier.config you do the same thing but pointing to the port 81 site:

    <repository name="My Port81 site" alias="port81" type="CourierWebserviceRepositoryProvider" visible="true">

    This configuration assumes that both sites have a user, with ID = 0 and that user have the same password on both sites

    Also, very import is that you keep those 2 sites in their own individual application pool, so a dll copy doesn't reset the sites


  • Ralph 10 posts 30 karma points
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 11:00


    Thanks for the fast response.

    I suppose that this is a typo:

    (If i fill this in on the port81 site, it connects to itself by the localhost)

    Shouldn't this be:

    And ofcourse vice-versa for the other server .....


    And for this to work ok, are the domainnames that are configured in the licenses of any use? Because they are created with domain names for the dev and acc domains with (currently) non-excisting names.

  • Per Ploug 865 posts 3491 karma points MVP admin
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 11:05
    Per Ploug

    Okey, how do your developer precisely connect to these 2 sites? what is the exact urls she has to enter? 

  • Ralph 10 posts 30 karma points
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 11:48

    She only connects to both sites from the machine itself by going to localhost:81, so never from outside the machine....

    For the sake of clearance, I've made the following changes:

    For the devserver I've changed the hostbinding for the site to, the license is created with dev.localdomain.intra, so *.dev.localdomain.intra is allowed. I've created a dns entry that points to the ipaddress of the devserver. I can acces the site both from within the machine itself, as from another machine...

    For the acceptanceserver I did the same with a name site1.acc.localdomain.intra and the license is allowed for *.acc.localdomain.intra.

    Everything is running on the default port 80...

    On the devserver in the courier.config I added:

          <repository name="Acceptance" alias="Acceptance" type="CourierWebserviceRepositoryProvider" visible="true">

    User ID 9 excists on both machine with the same name/pass.

    When I reload the location node, nothing happens, and in the eventviewer the following error appears:

    Event code: 3005 

    Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred. 

    Event time: 2/14/2012 11:41:17 AM 

    Event time (UTC): 2/14/2012 10:41:17 AM 

    Event ID: 803a4474cbac48fb85a829e87f8fd589 

    Event sequence: 398 

    Event occurrence: 4 

    Event detail code: 0 


    Application information: 

        Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT-13-129736876508034645 

        Trust level: Full 

        Application Virtual Path: / 

        Application Path: D:\_vsp\xxx\Current\xxx.Web\ 

        Machine name: xxx091 


    Process information: 

        Process ID: 2100 

        Process name: w3wp.exe 

        Account name: xxx091\UmbracoUser 


    Exception information: 

        Exception type: NullReferenceException 

        Exception message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

       at Umbraco.Courier.Core.Repository.(XmlNode settingsXml)

       at Umbraco.Courier.Core.Storage.RepositoryStorage.GetByAlias(String alias)

       at Umbraco.Courier.UI.Trees.LoadRepositories.Render(XmlTree& tree)

       at umbraco.presentation.webservices.TreeDataService.GetXmlTree()

       at umbraco.presentation.webservices.TreeDataService.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

       at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()

       at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)




    Request information: 

        Request URL: ;

        Request path: /umbraco/webservices/TreeDataService.ashx 

        User host address: x.x.x.91 


        Is authenticated: False 

        Authentication Type:  

        Thread account name: xxx091\UmbracoUser 


    Thread information: 

        Thread ID: 46 

        Thread account name: xxx091\UmbracoUser 

        Is impersonating: False 

        Stack trace:    at Umbraco.Courier.Core.Repository.(XmlNode settingsXml)

       at Umbraco.Courier.Core.Storage.RepositoryStorage.GetByAlias(String alias)

       at Umbraco.Courier.UI.Trees.LoadRepositories.Render(XmlTree& tree)

       at umbraco.presentation.webservices.TreeDataService.GetXmlTree()

       at umbraco.presentation.webservices.TreeDataService.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

       at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()

       at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)



    Custom event details: 

  • Ralph 10 posts 30 karma points
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 12:02


    I did a manual re-install of the courier package, and at the end I added the location. This time it didn't throw an error and the location is vissible. But .....

    The above error is still vissible when trying to expand the location tree.....

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