You can adjust these settings. I change the Default recusrion level. To do this you have to:
Create a class in your App_Code(or compiled in a dll) that extends the Umbraco.Courier.UI.Dialog.CommitItem class.
Then in this file you will need to sat the defailt value your are trying to set.
Finnaly change the Inherits="Umbraco.Courier.UI.Dialog.CommitItem" in umbraco/plugins/courier/dialogs/CommitItems.aspx to your new class.
(If this doesn't work for some reason, another option would be to add a custom JS file to the CommitItems.aspx file and place some JS in there to change the checkbox state onde the dialog is loaded.)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace Proteus
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Class1
/// </summary>
public class CommitItem : Umbraco.Courier.UI.Dialogs.CommitItem
public CommitItem()
this.DepthLimit = 0;
Transfer all children as well checkbox
Is there anyway change the default value of this to off?
You can adjust these settings. I change the Default recusrion level. To do this you have to:
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