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  • Ayo Adesina 433 posts 1026 karma points
    Oct 15, 2014 @ 18:52
    Ayo Adesina

    Editing courier.config kills Courier

    Hey Guys,

    Have some issues with courier - After Installing Courier inside the back office it asks you to enter a location, so I enter the location of the second instance of Umbraco.

    After logging out and logging back in I do get the extra menu item in content - Good

    Also In the back office when I go to Courier section > Locations it shows the URL user id ect - Good

    If I open the courier.config and change anything (eg the user id) save the file, then touch the web-config file to force a recompile of the site.

    If I go to Courier section > Locations I see this message

    Location could not be loaded, this could be a configuration error, or because Courier is running in trial mode, and cannot not load locations not on the local machine

    Even if I go back to the courier.config and change it back to exactly what it was before, it still shows the same error. The only way I have found to fix this is to uninstall and reinstall courier.

    Can one one tell me why this happens how I can fix it?

  • Comment author was deleted

    Oct 16, 2014 @ 13:41

    Are you using the latest version? If on umbraco v7 try our latest nighly build if that doesn't work it must be a bug

  • Ayo Adesina 433 posts 1026 karma points
    Oct 16, 2014 @ 16:36
    Ayo Adesina

    I'm using Umbraco v6.2.1 (Assembly version: 1.0.5261.28997)

    I am still having the issue, after a web-config update (even if NOTHING has changed) when you go to the courier section and click on the deploy node you get this run time error.

    Could not find the default database provider, please ensure you have all the required DLL's in /bin, and that courier loaded successfully. To debug, turn on debugmode in /config/courier.confg, and examine the /app_data/courier/logs error log files 
    [ProviderException: Could not find the default database provider, please ensure you have all the required DLL's in /bin, and that courier loaded successfully. To debug, turn on debugmode in /config/courier.confg, and examine the /app_data/courier/logs error log files]
       Umbraco.Courier.Core.PersistenceManager.get_Default() +319
    Umbraco.Courier.ItemProviders.DataTypeProvider.AvailableSystemItems() +26
       Umbraco.Courier.UI.Pages.SimpleRevisionDeploy.<Page_Load>b__0(ItemProvider p) +33
    System.Linq.WhereListIterator`1.MoveNext() +165
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl.PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable dataSource) +762
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl.PerformSelect() +51
    Umbraco.Courier.UI.Pages.SimpleRevisionDeploy.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +313
    System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e) +0
    System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +71
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3178

    Now I have to reinstall to make it work again. This is a commercial product, the support is not the best to be honest.

  • Vladimir Knobel 95 posts 171 karma points
    Oct 16, 2014 @ 17:01
    Vladimir Knobel

    If you have a "confidence" support contract then you have to go through Zendesk to get commercial support. Here's not the place.

  • Ayo Adesina 433 posts 1026 karma points
    Oct 16, 2014 @ 18:27
    Ayo Adesina

    How do you get a "confidence" support contract the company I work for will probably pay for it

  • Vladimir Knobel 95 posts 171 karma points
    Oct 16, 2014 @ 18:30
  • Ed Bishop 53 posts 203 karma points
    Apr 24, 2015 @ 11:12
    Ed Bishop

    error:Umbraco.Courier.Core.ProviderException: Could not find the default database provider

    Same error here in two different environments. Both are running Umbraco 6.2.5 and Courier Nightly "Courier_2.7.8.43.v6"

    Anyone else managed to fix this problem?



  • Ayo Adesina 433 posts 1026 karma points
    Apr 24, 2015 @ 12:48
    Ayo Adesina

    I'm so fed up with Courier for any thing under V7 - my advice would be upgrade to V7.

    I know it can be hard work sometimes, depending on your application, but for me its been the best option the new version of Courier is soooooooo much better than the older versions.

    Good luck

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