I have created a virtual directory for my appdata folder and found I had to set an absolute path in the log4net.config for the UmbracoTraceLogs to write to the virtual directory. However; CourierTraceLog is still writing to the AppData\Logs folder under my route directory. It only writes this line:
Courier uses the default config unless a file with alternate settings is found at
So, assuming you've already updated the log4net.config file in that location, you can use the same pattern for courier, with the specific name as above.
Thank you. Adding the ~/Config/courier.log4net.config worked. However, now I still have the courier packages being created under the application root folder:
Is there a way to configure where these are stored?
Can I change CourierTraceLog Log Directory?
I have created a virtual directory for my appdata folder and found I had to set an absolute path in the log4net.config for the UmbracoTraceLogs to write to the virtual directory. However; CourierTraceLog is still writing to the AppData\Logs folder under my route directory. It only writes this line:
2015-08-27 14:02:06,446 [41] DEBUG Umbraco.Courier.Core.EventManager - [Thread 49] Unloading (count: 0)
I've set in the courier.config but it still continues to write this line.
Can I change where the CourierTraceLog files are writted to, or even stop this log file from being created?
Courier uses the default config unless a file with alternate settings is found at
So, assuming you've already updated the log4net.config file in that location, you can use the same pattern for courier, with the specific name as above.
@Paul Sterling
Thank you. Adding the ~/Config/courier.log4net.config worked. However, now I still have the courier packages being created under the application root folder:
Is there a way to configure where these are stored?
No, the folder Courier uses for it's own data is not configurable.
is working on a reply...