We use usync complete en when we publish an item from local to test, the local environment says: completed but we don't see changes at the test environment.
If we use the usync content edition and we export content on the local environment en import on the test environment we get the notification: 'No changes found' but all the fields are different.
There was an issue - where a bit of publisher was using the wrong. handler set. (so if you had disabled media handler in the default set the media wasn't copying) - However this is fixed in 8.4.2 (see https://github.com/KevinJump/uSync.Complete.Issues/issues/19)
For reference, I've uploaded a copy of the default uSync8.config and uSync.Publisher.config to the issue repository, so you can use them as a reference if you need too (i am guessing the publisher set might be is missing??)
Usync publisher / import (content) doesn't work
We use usync complete en when we publish an item from local to test, the local environment says: completed but we don't see changes at the test environment.
If we use the usync content edition and we export content on the local environment en import on the test environment we get the notification: 'No changes found' but all the fields are different.
Do we something wrong?
Hi Ruben,
it certainly sounds odd, especially if a export of the content using content edition is also saying no changes found?
Have you altered the default uSync8.config file in any way, are all the Handlers enabled (you can check on the settings tab behind the cog).
Hi Kevin,
We have changed some settings in the usync8.config but that also what we wanted.
Do you have the default usync8publish.config for us?
Hi Ruben,
There was an issue - where a bit of publisher was using the wrong. handler set. (so if you had disabled media handler in the default set the media wasn't copying) - However this is fixed in 8.4.2 (see https://github.com/KevinJump/uSync.Complete.Issues/issues/19)
For reference, I've uploaded a copy of the default uSync8.config and uSync.Publisher.config to the issue repository, so you can use them as a reference if you need too (i am guessing the publisher set might be is missing??)
is working on a reply...