I have finally managed to migrate my v7 db to v8 after 3 days of working going through issues! Unfortunately at this point I have a new problem; Umbraco now won't start and gives the error below. There is no more info in the log file other than the same exception message. I have only a blank 8.5 project installed from Nuget, nothing else added yet.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Boot failed: Umbraco cannot run. See Umbraco's log file for more details.
-> Umbraco.Core.Exceptions.BootFailedException: Boot failed.
-> System.IO.InvalidDataException: Found invalid data while decoding.
at Check.Assert[TException](Boolean condition)
at CSharpTest.Net.Serialization.PrimitiveSerializer.CSharpTest.Net.Serialization.ISerializer<System.UInt32>.ReadFrom(Stream stream)
at CSharpTest.Net.Storage.BTreeFileStoreV2.CSharpTest.Net.Serialization.ISerializer<CSharpTest.Net.Collections.IStorageHandle>.ReadFrom(Stream stream)
at CSharpTest.Net.Collections.BPlusTree`2.StorageCache.CSharpTest.Net.Serialization.ISerializer<CSharpTest.Net.Collections.IStorageHandle>.ReadFrom(Stream stream)
at CSharpTest.Net.Collections.BPlusTree`2.NodeHandleSerializer.CSharpTest.Net.Serialization.ISerializer<CSharpTest.Net.Collections.IStorageHandle>.ReadFrom(Stream stream)
at LightInject.ServiceContainer.<>c__DisplayClass153_0.<CreateEmitMethodWrapper>b__0(IEmitter ms) in C:\projects\lightinject\src\LightInject\LightInject.cs:line 3856
at LightInject.ServiceContainer.CreateDynamicMethodDelegate(Action`1 serviceEmitter) in C:\projects\lightinject\src\LightInject\LightInject.cs:line 3776
at LightInject.ServiceContainer.CreateDelegate(Type serviceType, String serviceName, Boolean throwError) in C:\projects\lightinject\src\LightInject\LightInject.cs:line 4743
at LightInject.ServiceContainer.CreateDefaultDelegate(Type serviceType, Boolean throwError) in C:\projects\lightinject\src\LightInject\LightInject.cs:line 4705
at LightInject.ServiceContainer.GetInstance(Type serviceType) in C:\projects\lightinject\src\LightInject\LightInject.cs:line 3437
at Umbraco.Core.Composing.LightInject.LightInjectContainer.GetInstance(Type type) in d:\a\1\s\src\Umbraco.Core\Composing\LightInject\LightInjectContainer.cs:line 111
at Umbraco.Core.FactoryExtensions.GetInstance[T](IFactory factory) in d:\a\1\s\src\Umbraco.Core\FactoryExtensions.cs:line 22
at Umbraco.Core.Runtime.CoreRuntime.Boot(IRegister register, DisposableTimer timer) in d:\a\1\s\src\Umbraco.Core\Runtime\CoreRuntime.cs:line 158
-> System.IO.InvalidDataException: Found invalid data while decoding.
at CSharpTest.Net.IO.TransactedCompoundFile.LoadSections(Stream stream)
at CSharpTest.Net.IO.TransactedCompoundFile..ctor(Options options)
at CSharpTest.Net.Storage.BTreeFileStoreV2..ctor(Options options)
And this;
[BootFailedException: Boot failed: Umbraco cannot run. See Umbraco's log file for more details.
-> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: handle
at CSharpTest.Net.IO.TransactedCompoundFile.Read(UInt32 handle)
at CSharpTest.Net.Storage.BTreeFileStoreV2.OpenRoot(Boolean& isNew)
at CSharpTest.Net.Collections.BPlusTree2.NodeCacheNone.LoadStorage()
at CSharpTest.Net.Collections.BPlusTree2..ctor(BPlusTreeOptions`2 ioptions)
at Umbraco.Web.PublishedCache.NuCache.DataSource.BTree.GetTree(String filepath, Boolean exists)
at Umbraco.Web.PublishedCache.NuCache.PublishedSnapshotService.MainDomRegister()
Server ran out of disk space while user was publishing content, Windows error log started generating this and on next restart of the site, no boot.
We tried the usual clear of cache and temp files, no dice.
Tried implementing the Btree block size fix and same errors.
Long story short, we found an obscure reference to a temp ASP.NET compiler cache that was no longer present.
We added disk space, created a new site in IIS and pointed it to the same files and it started working.
"we found an obscure reference to a temp ASP.NET compiler cache that was no longer present." ?
We are having the same issue with a site going down multiple times with the same error but it is hosted on Azure and disk space is fine and i am doing a lot of head scratching trying to figure out the fix for this.
So it should be self-maintaining, but since we had a specific situation where the disk was full (we assume) during the caching operation, it seems like it didn't build the app correctly/fully. This is an assumption based on it working normally when making a new site pointing to the same code after space was freed up, that would have built a new cache reference path.
The original IIS site seemed to be stuck on that specific path to it's cache. There may be a way to change that or in hindsight, we could have recreated that folder path, but rather than dig around for some setting, putting up a new site was much faster, and since it was a production that was down, we opted for the time saver.
I did come across some threads similar issues but wasn't relevant to our environment that may help;
Umbraco 8 startup error after upgrade.
I have finally managed to migrate my v7 db to v8 after 3 days of working going through issues! Unfortunately at this point I have a new problem; Umbraco now won't start and gives the error below. There is no more info in the log file other than the same exception message. I have only a blank 8.5 project installed from Nuget, nothing else added yet. Any help greatly appreciated!
Boot failed: Umbraco cannot run. See Umbraco's log file for more details.
Just had a similar error;
Umbraco.Core.Exceptions.BootFailedException: Boot failed.
-> System.IO.InvalidDataException: Found invalid data while decoding. at CSharpTest.Net.IO.TransactedCompoundFile.LoadSections(Stream stream) at CSharpTest.Net.IO.TransactedCompoundFile..ctor(Options options) at CSharpTest.Net.Storage.BTreeFileStoreV2..ctor(Options options)
And this;
[BootFailedException: Boot failed: Umbraco cannot run. See Umbraco's log file for more details.
-> Umbraco.Core.Exceptions.BootFailedException: Boot failed.
-> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: handle at CSharpTest.Net.IO.TransactedCompoundFile.Read(UInt32 handle) at CSharpTest.Net.Storage.BTreeFileStoreV2.OpenRoot(Boolean& isNew) at CSharpTest.Net.Collections.BPlusTree
2.NodeCacheNone.LoadStorage() at CSharpTest.Net.Collections.BPlusTree
2..ctor(BPlusTreeOptions`2 ioptions) at Umbraco.Web.PublishedCache.NuCache.DataSource.BTree.GetTree(String filepath, Boolean exists) at Umbraco.Web.PublishedCache.NuCache.PublishedSnapshotService.MainDomRegister()................
Server ran out of disk space while user was publishing content, Windows error log started generating this and on next restart of the site, no boot.
We tried the usual clear of cache and temp files, no dice. Tried implementing the Btree block size fix and same errors.
Long story short, we found an obscure reference to a temp ASP.NET compiler cache that was no longer present.
We added disk space, created a new site in IIS and pointed it to the same files and it started working.
@BJG What do you mean by:
"we found an obscure reference to a temp ASP.NET compiler cache that was no longer present." ?
We are having the same issue with a site going down multiple times with the same error but it is hosted on Azure and disk space is fine and i am doing a lot of head scratching trying to figure out the fix for this.
We found an entry in a windows log file that stated couldn't find file path c:\where the cache was\ and it's based on this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/ms366723(v=vs.140)?redirectedfrom=MSDN
So it should be self-maintaining, but since we had a specific situation where the disk was full (we assume) during the caching operation, it seems like it didn't build the app correctly/fully. This is an assumption based on it working normally when making a new site pointing to the same code after space was freed up, that would have built a new cache reference path.
The original IIS site seemed to be stuck on that specific path to it's cache. There may be a way to change that or in hindsight, we could have recreated that folder path, but rather than dig around for some setting, putting up a new site was much faster, and since it was a production that was down, we opted for the time saver.
I did come across some threads similar issues but wasn't relevant to our environment that may help;
Thank you for replying, it seems that whilst the error is the same our issue may be different.
Good to hear you were able to resolve it, hope we are as successful :)
No worries. Good luck. I did pass over some threads on using load balanced servers on Azure and needed to do something to accommodate that as well.
is working on a reply...