Model properties empty after upgrade from Umbraco 8.6.6 to 8.7.1
On 2 different websites/solution I have the exact same issue after an upgrade. I had them both running on Umbraco 8.6.1.
And after the upgrade when in my template I read properties like Model.
If I login to the backend and go to the page I see all data is there, and when I select "Save and Preview" it displays correctly. But only in Preview mode, if I goto the page directly by it's full url and then exit the Preview mode it breaks again with empy values.
So basicly you have to Open and re-Publish every page in the Umbraco backend and then things seem to work again.
The first website had only 5 pages so it wasn't an issue, and since I already Previewed 4 pages in the backend, I didn't think much of it when going to the fifth one gettting and error and have it working again afer a Publish.
But my second website has hunderds of pages so it's a bit of an issue there. Both sites are multilingual.
Note: I did regenerate my Model, cleared my App_Data directory and cleared the cache and clicked all refresh boxes in the Published Status tab. And I have 0 packages on my website,s I just use the standard Umbraco functionalities and code.
3 questions:
Is this a know issue or just me ?
Are there any solutions for it already ?
If not is there an easy way to Re-save everything ?
The biggest change I notice is that when rebuilding the Models (I'm using LiveAppModel) and just the normal ModelSBuilder that's included in Umbraco (not the seperate package) is that the name space is changed from.
"Umbraco.ModelsBuilder" to "Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.Embedded" is this behaviour somehow customable ?
And can somebody confirm if for a big website multilingual Umbraco version above 8.6.x are stable and usable in a production environment ?
And is this a know issue that you need to resave every piece of content in the CMS after migrating above 8.6.x ? Or is it just me on 2 different websites having this issue ?
Thanks to Damiaan, I found out solving this issue is pretty simple, I have 5 toplevel rootnodes and using the option Publish with descendants solves this issues (also delete cache and rebuild model upfront). Not sure why this was needed didn't have to do this in previous upgrades but things seem to be stable after this Republish of the entire content.
Note it was also possible to go from 8.6.1. directly to 8.9.1 when using this.
Model properties empty after upgrade from Umbraco 8.6.6 to 8.7.1
On 2 different websites/solution I have the exact same issue after an upgrade. I had them both running on Umbraco 8.6.1.
And after the upgrade when in my template I read properties like Model.
If I login to the backend and go to the page I see all data is there, and when I select "Save and Preview" it displays correctly. But only in Preview mode, if I goto the page directly by it's full url and then exit the Preview mode it breaks again with empy values.
So basicly you have to Open and re-Publish every page in the Umbraco backend and then things seem to work again.
The first website had only 5 pages so it wasn't an issue, and since I already Previewed 4 pages in the backend, I didn't think much of it when going to the fifth one gettting and error and have it working again afer a Publish.
But my second website has hunderds of pages so it's a bit of an issue there. Both sites are multilingual.
Note: I did regenerate my Model, cleared my App_Data directory and cleared the cache and clicked all refresh boxes in the Published Status tab. And I have 0 packages on my website,s I just use the standard Umbraco functionalities and code.
3 questions:
The biggest change I notice is that when rebuilding the Models (I'm using LiveAppModel) and just the normal ModelSBuilder that's included in Umbraco (not the seperate package) is that the name space is changed from.
"Umbraco.ModelsBuilder" to "Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.Embedded" is this behaviour somehow customable ?
And can somebody confirm if for a big website multilingual Umbraco version above 8.6.x are stable and usable in a production environment ?
And is this a know issue that you need to resave every piece of content in the CMS after migrating above 8.6.x ? Or is it just me on 2 different websites having this issue ?
Thanks to Damiaan, I found out solving this issue is pretty simple, I have 5 toplevel rootnodes and using the option Publish with descendants solves this issues (also delete cache and rebuild model upfront). Not sure why this was needed didn't have to do this in previous upgrades but things seem to be stable after this Republish of the entire content.
Note it was also possible to go from 8.6.1. directly to 8.9.1 when using this.
is working on a reply...