Migrate from S3 to Azure Blob Storage on Umbraco Cloud
We started off using the S3 filesystem provider library (https://github.com/ElijahGlover/Umbraco-S3-Provider) on Umbraco Cloud. Somewhat recently there was a migration to Azure Blob Storage that we were unaware of and we ended up with some media on Azure Blob Storage and some still on the S3 bucket. To get them all on the same storage, I copied everything from the S3 bucket to the Azure Blob Storage account, changed all the configuration settings to use the Azure Filesystem provider, and removed the S3 packages. However, some of the media files still link to the s3://.../media url and others link to /media. I checked the database (specifically the "mediaPath" column) and it doesn't appear to be coming from there. Does anyone know how I could fix this on Umbraco Cloud so that they're all pointing to /media?
I found where the url was coming from. It's in the cmsPropertyData table. I wrote the queries below to find and fix them. But it turned out there were only 22 media items like this, so I opted to just re-upload the image manually.
select cpd.dataNtext, cm.mediaPath, CONCAT('{"src": "', cm.mediaPath, '", "focalPoint": { "left": 0.5, "top": 0.5 } }')
from cmsPropertyData as cpd
join cmsPropertyType as cpt on cpd.propertytypeid = cpt.id
join cmsContentType as cct on cct.nodeId = cpt.contentTypeId
join cmsMedia as cm on cpd.contentNodeId = cm.nodeId
where cct.Alias = 'Image'
and cpt.Alias = 'umbracoFile'
and cpd.dataNtext like '%s3-us-west-2%'
select cpd.dataNvarchar, REPLACE(cpd.dataNvarchar, 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/{bucket name}', '')
from cmsPropertyData as cpd
join cmsPropertyType as cpt on cpd.propertytypeid = cpt.id
join cmsContentType as cct on cct.nodeId = cpt.contentTypeId
where cct.Alias = 'File'
and cpt.Alias = 'umbracoFile'
and cpd.dataNvarchar like '%s3-us-west-2%'
Migrate from S3 to Azure Blob Storage on Umbraco Cloud
We started off using the S3 filesystem provider library (https://github.com/ElijahGlover/Umbraco-S3-Provider) on Umbraco Cloud. Somewhat recently there was a migration to Azure Blob Storage that we were unaware of and we ended up with some media on Azure Blob Storage and some still on the S3 bucket. To get them all on the same storage, I copied everything from the S3 bucket to the Azure Blob Storage account, changed all the configuration settings to use the Azure Filesystem provider, and removed the S3 packages. However, some of the media files still link to the s3://.../media url and others link to /media. I checked the database (specifically the "mediaPath" column) and it doesn't appear to be coming from there. Does anyone know how I could fix this on Umbraco Cloud so that they're all pointing to /media?
I found where the url was coming from. It's in the cmsPropertyData table. I wrote the queries below to find and fix them. But it turned out there were only 22 media items like this, so I opted to just re-upload the image manually.
is working on a reply...