Our website gives viewers an error message occasionally (too often) and we think it's in large part to having reached the maximum number of form entries for any one of the forms. From what we can tell the maximum number of entries any one form can house is 5,000 (which we have surpassed). Once you reach the maximum, you have to delete entries so the website can accept new ones.
My actual question is, "Can I change the number of form entries to 50 or 100 that I can view on the dashboard list? This will allow me to delete more at a given time. I don't see an option to change the viewable entries from 20 (which I guess is the standard number for Umbraco). I'd like to view and delete 100 at a time, but even 50 at a time would be better than 20...currently it is much more time-consuming than I prefer.
Forms- Dashboard of
Our website gives viewers an error message occasionally (too often) and we think it's in large part to having reached the maximum number of form entries for any one of the forms. From what we can tell the maximum number of entries any one form can house is 5,000 (which we have surpassed). Once you reach the maximum, you have to delete entries so the website can accept new ones.
My actual question is, "Can I change the number of form entries to 50 or 100 that I can view on the dashboard list? This will allow me to delete more at a given time. I don't see an option to change the viewable entries from 20 (which I guess is the standard number for Umbraco). I'd like to view and delete 100 at a time, but even 50 at a time would be better than 20...currently it is much more time-consuming than I prefer.
Thank you!
is working on a reply...