Unable to connect some environments and also push/pull datas
If we could push/pull between environments. We can get through by pulling in some cases and pushing in others, but we should be able to push/pull between all of these servers. why this is happening and how to address it?
Unable to connect some environments and also push/pull datas
If we could push/pull between environments. We can get through by pulling in some cases and pushing in others, but we should be able to push/pull between all of these servers. why this is happening and how to address it?
I would start by looking on each server's setup page. that should give you a bit more information about the reason a server is unavailable.
Most likely things to look at:
Possible errors are :
For all of these there should also be something in the logs, - you may need to turn on debug logging to get the full responses but that should help.
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