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  • Jeroen Oostwouder 100 posts 296 karma points
    Jun 17, 2022 @ 09:35
    Jeroen Oostwouder

    Best practice to render optional links

    I'm wondering what is best practice, when you have to deal with optional links/containers in html.

    For example: I have a list of elements. Each element has an image field, and a Url-picker field. The Url-picker value is optional.

    So I loop through the elements, to render the html like this:

    foreach (var element in elements) {
        <a href="@element.Link.Url"><img src="@element.Image.Url()"></a>

    How can I make the anchor optional?

    I can't do:

    foreach (var element in elements) {
        if (element.Link != null) {
            <a href="@element.Link.Url">
        <img src="@element.Image.Url()">
        if (element.Link != null) {

    Because then I open an -tag without closing in the same block.

    In Umbraco7 I did this:

    foreach (var element in elements) {
        @Umbraco.If(element.Link != null, "<a href=\"" + element.Link.Url + "\">")
        <img src="@element.Image.Url()">
        @Umbraco.If(element.Link != null, "</a>")

    But the UmbracoHelper doesn't seem to have an 'if' function anymore.

    What's the best solution for this problem?

  • Marc Goodson 2155 posts 14386 karma points MVP 9x c-trib
    Jun 20, 2022 @ 10:19
    Marc Goodson

    Hi Jeroen

    Number of ways you could look at this...

    You could create a razor helper to write out the image bit eg

    void DisplayLovelyImage(IPublishedContent image, string altText){
    <img src="@image.Url" alt="@altText" />

    and then in your foreach have:

    @if (element.Link != null)
       <a href="@element.Link.Url">
        @{ DisplayLovelyImage(element.Image, element.Image.Name); }
      @{ DisplayLovelyImage(element.Image, element.Image.Name); }

    It's also not a bad idea to have a ViewComponent responsible for rendering all your img / picture tags from your razor, so 'one place' to update the logic around the displaying of images in a consistent way, eg if you want to provide responsive srcsets etc - then your DisplayLovelyImage method would be:

    @await Component.InvokeAsync("DisplayLovelyImage", new { image = element.Image, width = 900, height = 0, cssClassName = "scale" })



  • Jeroen Oostwouder 100 posts 296 karma points
    Jun 21, 2022 @ 07:45
    Jeroen Oostwouder

    That's a nice way indeed. I'm still not too familiar with components, but I might give that a try too.

    Thank you.

  • Marc Goodson 2155 posts 14386 karma points MVP 9x c-trib
    Jun 21, 2022 @ 07:54
    Marc Goodson

    Hi Jeroen

    This is a good intro:

    With ViewComponents, there are two parts, the 'code' and the 'view'

    You create a class that inherits from ViewComponent, so for example, we tend to use Slimsy a lot on sites, and so this ViewComponent builds up different variations of the Url, low quality image etc for lazyish loading

    public class ResponsiveImageViewComponent : ViewComponent
                public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(MediaWithCrops image, UrlHelper urlHelper, int width, int height, string cssClassName = "")
                    var imageModel = new ResponsiveImageViewModel();
                    if (image != null)
                        string defaultMimeType;
                        var umbracoExtension = image.Value<string>(Constants.Conventions.Media.Extension);
                        var defaultFormat = umbracoExtension;
                        switch (umbracoExtension)
                            case "jpg":
                                defaultMimeType = "image/jpeg";
                            case "png":
                                defaultMimeType = "image/png";
                            case "gif":
                                defaultMimeType = "image/gif";
                                defaultMimeType = "image/jpeg";
                                defaultFormat = "jpg";
                        var lqipWidth = (int)Math.Round((decimal)width / 2);
                        var lqipHeight = (int)Math.Round((decimal)height / 2);
                        var imgSrcSet = urlHelper.GetSrcSetUrls(image, width, height, outputFormat: defaultFormat);
                        var imgSrc = SlimsyExtensions.GetCropUrl(image, width, height, furtherOptions: "&format=" + defaultFormat);
                        // ** Using half width/height for LQIP to reduce filesize to a minimum, CSS must oversize the images **
                        var imgLqip = SlimsyExtensions.GetCropUrl(image, lqipWidth, lqipHeight, quality: 20, furtherOptions: "&format=" + defaultFormat);
                        //Image Model Stuff
                        imageModel.DefaultSrcSetUrl = imgSrcSet;
                        imageModel.Id = image.Id;
                        imageModel.Url = imgSrc;
                        imageModel.CssClass = cssClassName;
                        imageModel.LqipUrl = imgLqip;
                        imageModel.AltText = image.Name;
                    return View("ResponsiveImage", imageModel);

    Then you create a corresponding View in /Views/Components/ResponsiveImage/ResponsiveImage.cshtml

    Which would then write out the img tag

    @model ResponsiveImageViewModel
        if (Model != null)
            var cssClass = "lazyload";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.CssClass))
                cssClass += $" {Model.CssClass}";
                <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none"><![endif]-->
                <source data-srcset="@Model.DefaultSrcSetUrl" srcset="@Model.LqipUrl" type="@Model.MimeType" data-sizes="auto" />
                <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]-->
                <img src="@Model.LqipUrl"
                     alt="@Model.AltText" />

    if that gives you the idea!



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