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  • Nilay 8 posts 100 karma points
    Jun 28, 2023 @ 05:01

    Issue with Global search using Examine Index

    Hello Everyone, I am facing the below issue with index. Its old and known issue 🙂

    System.ApplicationException: Could not create an index searcher with the supplied lucene directory ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 0.cfs ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\AppData\TEMP\ExamineIndexes\External_0.cfs'. at Examine.LuceneEngine.Directories.SyncIndexInput.SyncLocally(String fileName) in D:\a\1\s\src\Examine\LuceneEngine\Directories\SyncIndexInput.cs:line 182 at Examine.LuceneEngine.Directories.SyncIndexInput..ctor(SyncDirectory directory, String name, ILoggingService loggingService) in D:\a\1\s\src\Examine\LuceneEngine\Directories\SyncIndexInput.cs:line 98 at Examine.LuceneEngine.Directories.SyncDirectory.OpenInput(String name) in D:\a\1\s\src\Examine\LuceneEngine\Directories\SyncDirectory.cs:line 248 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    1. Umbraco version : 8.16
    2. Hosting:  **Azure web app, there are two sites running from one instance**  
    3. Plugin used: full text search

    Added below in web.config:

     <add key="Umbraco.Core.LocalTempStorage" value="EnvironmentTemp" />
    <add key="Umbraco.Examine.LuceneDirectoryFactory" value="Examine.LuceneEngine.Directories.SyncTempEnvDirectoryFactory, Examine" />
    <add key="umbracoDisableElectionForSingleServer" value="true" />
    <add key="umbracoLocalTempStorage" value="EnvironmentTemp" />

  • nehakakar 15 posts 85 karma points
    Jun 30, 2023 @ 13:11

    you can try verifying the file path, checking file permissions, clearing and rebuilding the index, verifying Umbraco and Examine configurations, and ensuring file replication in a multi-site setup.

    Verify Umbraco and Examine configurations: Check your Umbraco and Examine configuration files ("web.config" and "ExamineSettings.config", respectively) to ensure they are correctly set up. Verify that the index name and file paths match and are configured properly.

  • Nilay 8 posts 100 karma points
    Jul 03, 2023 @ 03:55

    Hi Neha,

    I dont have ExamineSetting file

  • Simon Napper 116 posts 370 karma points
    Jun 30, 2023 @ 14:32
    Simon Napper

    Are you using Azure? If so there are extra steps you need to go through to get it working correctly.

  • Nilay 8 posts 100 karma points
    Jul 03, 2023 @ 03:54

    Hi Simon,

    Ya I have followed all the settings as per this doc.

    As you can see, I have applied those settings in the web. config

    <add key="Umbraco.Core.LocalTempStorage" value="EnvironmentTemp" />

  • Rune Grønkjær 1372 posts 3103 karma points
    Aug 02, 2024 @ 09:33
    Rune Grønkjær

    Hi Nilay,

    Did you find a solution for this problem? Looks like I have the same problem on Umbraco 10.


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