Since we can directly tell you what the problem is, we can only help you finding the source of the issue.
First check that the price object is not null or undfined. Maybe the object interface or type is not correct or perhaps the caller for the reshapeAdjustedPrice is not sending over the object correctly.
Please check up on these things and report back :D
nextjs Error
hello everyone . i use this repository and run backend and front end all is good but i have error in add to cart
but all of the site do not load on google chrome
Since we can directly tell you what the problem is, we can only help you finding the source of the issue.
First check that the price object is not null or undfined. Maybe the object interface or type is not correct or perhaps the caller for the reshapeAdjustedPrice is not sending over the object correctly.
Please check up on these things and report back :D
is working on a reply...