Allows you to combine a custom source, (there are plenty of common sources already provided that can be configured, or you implement your own or you can just type in your values.)
And then you get to choose the mechanism for editors to display the values or source, eg Checkbox List, Dropdown List etc etc
How to create Custom Dropdown list property editor ?
I need to custom dropdownlist property editor with default value to set and dynamic dropdownlist can add and remove
Hi Muhasina
These days I reach for the 'Contentment' package:
and the DataList property editor.
Allows you to combine a custom source, (there are plenty of common sources already provided that can be configured, or you implement your own or you can just type in your values.)
And then you get to choose the mechanism for editors to display the values or source, eg Checkbox List, Dropdown List etc etc
It's really superfast instead of rolling your own.
is working on a reply...