Hi all, has anyone tried using Redis Cache (or another distributed cache) to store the Memory Cahce/NuCache when auto-scaling out?
One of the issues with scaling out an Umbraco Azure web app instance is that each new instance will slam the database as it builds its Memory/NuCache, so moving the memory cache into a distributed cache would hopefully alleviate this issue. (in theory)
NuCache + Redis Cache for automatic scale out
Hi all, has anyone tried using Redis Cache (or another distributed cache) to store the Memory Cahce/NuCache when auto-scaling out?
One of the issues with scaling out an Umbraco Azure web app instance is that each new instance will slam the database as it builds its Memory/NuCache, so moving the memory cache into a distributed cache would hopefully alleviate this issue. (in theory)
Has anyone tried this or something similar?
Also posted on the Discord forum: https://discord.com/channels/869656431308189746/1166745823179198524
Public discord forum mirror: https://discord-chats.umbraco.com/t/16012299/nucache-redis-cache-for-automatic-scale-out
HI Owain,
Do we have any updated solution for this ? mapping NuCache to Radis.
Let me know your approachable solution, on this.
Gurumurthy JV
is working on a reply...