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  • Dominic Resch 45 posts 115 karma points
    Feb 05, 2024 @ 12:03
    Dominic Resch

    V13: Production and Development mode - Page not found, physical template missing


    I have tried to follow the following instructions:

    As soon as I set "Development" or "Production" as the mode, I only get the error message:

    Page not found. No template exists to render the document at URL '/'.

    And in the console:

    No physical template file was found for document type with alias website

    What I have done so far. In appsettings.json I set the mode to Development and ModelsMode to "SourceCodeAuto".

    I have removed the following settings from the .csproj:


    And the .csproj also contains "CopyRazorGenerateFilesToPublishDirectory", set to true.

    I have published the website and also built it as a release build. But I still get the same errors. What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something?

    My current appsettings.json file:

      "$schema": "appsettings-schema.json",
      "Serilog": {
        "MinimumLevel": {
          "Default": "Information",
          "Override": {
            "Microsoft": "Warning",
            "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information",
            "System": "Warning"
      "Umbraco": {
        "CMS": {
          "ModelsBuilder": {
            "ModelsMode": "SourceCodeAuto",
            "FlagOutOfDateModels": true
          "Runtime": {
            "Mode": "Development"
          "Global": {
            "Id": "6accd714-46f7-4370-9c2b-a7d81a9087b6",
            "SanitizeTinyMce": true,
            "UseHttps": false
          "Content": {
            "AllowEditInvariantFromNonDefault": true,
            "ContentVersionCleanupPolicy": {
              "EnableCleanup": true
          "Unattended": {
            "UpgradeUnattended": true
          "Security": {
            "AllowConcurrentLogins": false
          "WebRouting": {
            "UrlProviderMode": "Absolute"
      "ConnectionStrings": {
        "umbracoDbDSN": "Data Source=|DataDirectory|/Umbraco.sqlite.db;Cache=Shared;Foreign Keys=True;Pooling=True",
        "umbracoDbDSN_ProviderName": "Microsoft.Data.Sqlite"
  • Silviu 3 posts 73 karma points
    Nov 12, 2024 @ 05:09

    I have the same exact problem. Installed the latest V13 and still. I can only run the site in Development mode.

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