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  • Andreas Nylin 8 posts 78 karma points
    24 days ago
    Andreas Nylin

    Problem with Custom TinyMCE editor and Smidge in production

    Problem with Custom TinyMCE editor and Smidge in production


    I have created a custom property editor with a TinyMCE editor.

            function ($scope, $element) {
                        // ...

    Everything is working fine when i run the site in debug mode. But when I turn of debug the TinyMCE editor stops working. The reason is that the TinyMCE scripts for themes and plugins are now loaded from a different path.

    In debug mode they load from: /umbraco/lib/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js

    But in release they load from: /sb/themes/modern/theme.js which results in 404 since it doesn't exists.

    If I understand things correctly it seems like Smidge is causing this. But I cannot understand how this works or why this happens. Or how I can stop Smidge from interfering.

    I've read that you can specify bundling options in the manifest file for the plugin but it doesn't seem to work for me.

    "propertyEditors": [
    // ...
    "css": [],
    "javascript": [
    "bundleOptions": "None"

    Anyone else experienced this problem?

  • Bishal Tim 22 posts 111 karma points c-trib
    6 days ago
    Bishal Tim

    hey andreas,

    in production i would not suggest using "bundleOptions": "None" in my angular projects i used to show RTE like

      $ = {
            label: '',
            description: '',
            view: 'rte',
            config: {
                editor: {
                    toolbar: ["ace", "undo", "redo", "cut", "copy", "styleselect", "fontselect", "fontsizeselect", "forecolor", "bold", "italic", "alignleft", "aligncenter", "alignright", "bullist", "numlist", "link", "umbmediapicker", "umbmacro", "table", "umbembeddialog"],
                    stylesheets: [],
                    style_formats: [{ title: "Heading 1", inline: "h1" }],
                    plugins: ["advlist", "autolink", "link", "code", "fullscreen", "textcolor", "colorpicker"],
                    dimensions: { height: 300, width: 800 }
            value: ""
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