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  • npack 58 posts 334 karma points
    Aug 22, 2024 @ 21:50

    v14.2.0 - How to get Media Url in Typescript from Media Key (Backoffice)?

    Back in v13 angularJs to render a media image in a custom block view we used the 'mediaItemResolver' filter something like this:

    {{mediaItem = ([0].mediaKey | mediaItemResolver); ""}}
    <img src="{{mediaItem.mediaLink}}" />

    Now that we have custom block views in v14.2.0 (yay!) I'm scrambling to recreate some custom block views as extensions with typescript and they're working great except for media-images but I'm not sure what the equivalent would be in v14-land.

    Does anyone know if there is a typescript umbraco utility to convert media keys to url paths?

  • Stefan Stankovic 17 posts 154 karma points
    17 days ago
    Stefan Stankovic

    Hi, This is my implementation:

    import { html, customElement, LitElement, property } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/external/lit';
    import { UmbElementMixin } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/element-api';
    import type { UmbBlockEditorCustomViewElement } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/block-custom-view';
    import { type UmbBlockDataType } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/block';
    import { UmbMediaUrlRepository } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/media';
    import {Task} from '@lit/task';
    // UmbBlockDataType
    export class ImageBlockCustomView extends UmbElementMixin(LitElement) implements UmbBlockEditorCustomViewElement {
        @property({ attribute: false })
        content?: UmbBlockDataType;
        #itemRepository = new UmbMediaUrlRepository(this);
        private _productTask = new Task(this, {
            task: async ([desktopImage]) => {
                const img: {mediaKey: string}[] = desktopImage as {mediaKey: string}[];
                const { data: items } = await this.#itemRepository.requestItems([img[0].mediaKey]);
                if (items === undefined || items.length === 0 || items[0].url === undefined) { 
                    throw new Error(`Media doesn't exist: ${img[0].mediaKey}`); 
              return items[0].url;
            args: () => [this.content?.desktopImage]
        override render() {
            return this._productTask.render({
                initial: () => html`<p>Waiting to start task</p>`,
                pending: () => html`<p>Loading media...</p>`,
                complete: (url) => html`
                <figure class="image-container">
                    <img src="${url}?rmode=min&width=1440&format=webp&quality=80" class="img-responsive" />
                error: (e) => html`<p>Error: ${e}</p>`
    export default ImageBlockCustomView;
  • npack 58 posts 334 karma points
    17 days ago

    Thank you so much, Stefan.

    After bringing in pieces from your implementation I was able to get images to show up in my backoffice block views!

    I appreciate the help -- thanks for taking the time to respond.

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