On our web host, the TEMP folder is stored in a location that we do not have access to through our FTP.
How do i change the location of the TEMP folder? I can't find any documentation at docs.umbraco.com that explains how this location can be changed to something else.
The only thing that i could find was to set the following:
And i can't find any documentation explaining how to change this! It is very important to change this location to be inside our web root as the ExternalIndex keeps breaking down every third month or so and right now i have to contact our support of the web hosting company and get them to delete the folder everytime that happens as i can't do it myself.
Change location of TEMP folder
On our web host, the TEMP folder is stored in a location that we do not have access to through our FTP.
How do i change the location of the TEMP folder? I can't find any documentation at docs.umbraco.com that explains how this location can be changed to something else.
The only thing that i could find was to set the following:
"Hosting": { "LocalTempStorageLocation": "EnvironmentTemp" }, "Examine": { "LuceneDirectoryFactory": "TempFileSystemDirectoryFactory"
But not anything about setting the location.
Seems odd you don't have FTP access to it since it lives in your web space!
No, the temp folder does not live in ones web space.
If you run your project locally in VS then the location is in your user folders appdata:
And in our live environment it lives in this location, which is also outside our webroot:
And i can't find any documentation explaining how to change this! It is very important to change this location to be inside our web root as the ExternalIndex keeps breaking down every third month or so and right now i have to contact our support of the web hosting company and get them to delete the folder everytime that happens as i can't do it myself.
I found this:
And according to this the default behaviour is to use the TEMP folder in ones web space.
I looked through my appsetting files and found that it was set to SyncedTempFileSystemDirectoryFactory. I changed this to Default and now it works.
is working on a reply...