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  • Sayed Muhammad Idrees 7 posts 77 karma points
    Nov 27, 2024 @ 09:47
    Sayed Muhammad Idrees

    Umbraco - Deploying to Live Server failed : [DeploymentUpdateSiteExtensionGitPushFailed]Deployment Progress LogDeployment Kudu Log

    For the First time i am moving changed from Staging to Live Server in Umbraco Cloud.

    enter image description here

    But when i click on "Deploy changes to Live", it starts the process and then crashes.

    Previewing error is something about : Git push failed! Check the SiteExtension log files for more details.

    I have two sets of logs, "Deployment Progress Log" and "Deployment Kudu Log".

    Deployment progress logs are showing "Git push failed! Check the SiteExtension log files for more details" and to check more on Kudu.. But Kudu logs are fine to me..

    Both Logs are attached..

    Deployment Progress Log

    11/27/2024 9:40:00 AM: Starting Source Environment Warm up, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:00 AM: Source Environment Warm up completed, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:00 AM: Starting Destination Environment Warm up, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:02 AM: Destination Environment Warm up completed, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:02 AM: Verifying Deploy Configuration, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:02 AM: Deploy Configuration verified, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:02 AM: File Transfer Started, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:04 AM: Transferring data, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:04 AM: Starting git push, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:41 AM: The initial push command failed with error, trying to get the changes to the destination. We will wait for the destination to be ready, before trying again. This will be a duration of max 10 minutes from now., ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:41 AM: Git push failed! Check the SiteExtension log files for more details, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:41 AM: Kudu deployment failed for commit with sha 4848d8465eb6b5f39949d8ae1e0fe412c5d65ccb, ,
    11/27/2024 9:40:41 AM: File Transfer Failed, DeploymentUpdateSiteExtensionGitPushFailed, The git push operation failed, message is 'Kudu deployment failed for commit with sha 4848d8465eb6b5f39949d8ae1e0fe412c5d65ccb'
    11/27/2024 9:40:41 AM: The git push operation failed, message is Kudu deployment failed for commit with sha 4848d8465eb6b5f39949d8ae1e0fe412c5d65ccb, ,

    Deployment Kudu Log

    8/27/2024 1:51:13 PM: Updating branch master., ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:14 PM: Updating submodules., ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:14 PM: Preparing deployment for commit id f8a0d9627b., ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:15 PM: Running custom deployment command..., ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:15 PM: Running deployment command..., ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:15 PM: Command: C:\home\SiteExtensions\Umbraco.Cloud.Deployment.SiteExtension.Artifacts.Core\deploy.cmd, ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:16 PM: Ensuring git configuration, ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:16 PM: Handling ASP.NET Core Web Application deployment, ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:17 PM: CsProjFile location C:\home\site\repository\src\UmbracoProject\UmbracoProject.csproj, ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:17 PM: Target Major and Minor dotnet sdk version found via the csproj file 7.0, ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:17 PM: Working Sdk version 7.0.410, ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:17 PM: Wrote global.json in the repository for version 7.0.410, ,
    8/27/2024 1:51:20 PM:   Determining projects to restore..., ,
    8/27/2024 1:52:40 PM:   Restored C:\home\site\repository\src\UmbracoProject\UmbracoProject.csproj (in 1.32 min)., ,
    8/27/2024 1:52:40 PM: MSBuild version 17.7.6+77d58ec69 for .NET, ,
    8/27/2024 1:53:18 PM:   UmbracoProject -> C:\home\site\repository\src\UmbracoProject\bin\Release\net7.0\UmbracoProject.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:53:20 PM:   Copying JSON schema files into project directory: appsettings-schema.Umbraco.StorageProviders.json;appsettings-schema.Umbraco.StorageProviders.AzureBlob.json;appsettings-schema.Umbraco.Deploy.json;appsettings-schema.Umbraco.Cms.json, ,
    8/27/2024 1:53:20 PM:   Adding JSON schema references to appsettings-schema.json:;appsettings-schema.Umbraco.StorageProviders.json#;appsettings-schema.Umbraco.StorageProviders.AzureBlob.json#;appsettings-schema.Umbraco.Deploy.json#;appsettings-schema.Umbraco.Cms.json#, ,
    8/27/2024 1:53:20 PM:   Copying UmbracoId files: C:\home\.nuget\\12.0.32\buildTransitive\..\content\App_Plugins\UmbracoId\**\*.* - #11 files, ,
    8/27/2024 1:53:21 PM: Build succeeded., ,
    8/27/2024 1:53:21 PM:     0 Warning(s), ,
    8/27/2024 1:53:21 PM:     0 Error(s), ,
    8/27/2024 1:53:21 PM: Time Elapsed 00:00:40.16, ,
    8/27/2024 1:53:21 PM: MSBuild version 17.7.6+77d58ec69 for .NET, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:02 PM:   UmbracoProject -> C:\local\Temp\8dcc69f518c2f00\, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:03 PM: KuduSync.NET from: C:\local\Temp\8dcc69f518c2f00 to: C:\home\site\wwwroot, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:03 PM: Copying file: appsettings-schema.json, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:03 PM: Copying file: Umbraco.Deploy.Contrib.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:03 PM: Copying file: UmbracoProject.deps.json, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:03 PM: Copying file: UmbracoProject.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:03 PM: Copying file: UmbracoProject.exe, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:03 PM: Copying file: UmbracoProject.pdb, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:03 PM: Copying file: UmbracoProject.runtimeconfig.json, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:03 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstractions.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Core.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OAuth.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.Policy.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections.Abstractions.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.CookiePolicy.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.Internal.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.KeyDerivation.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Abstractions.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Extensions.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.Abstractions.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.HostFiltering.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:04 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.Abstractions.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.Abstractions.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections.Common.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Results.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpLogging.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpsPolicy.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Copying file: refs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization.dll, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:05 PM: Omitting next output lines..., ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Removing global.json, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Removing src/UmbracoProject/App_Plugins/, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Removing src/UmbracoProject/appsettings-schema.Umbraco.Cms.json, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Removing src/UmbracoProject/appsettings-schema.Umbraco.Deploy.json, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Removing src/UmbracoProject/appsettings-schema.Umbraco.StorageProviders.AzureBlob.json, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Removing src/UmbracoProject/appsettings-schema.Umbraco.StorageProviders.json, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Removing src/UmbracoProject/appsettings-schema.json, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Removing src/UmbracoProject/bin/, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Removing src/UmbracoProject/obj/, ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Finished successfully., ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Running post deployment command(s)..., ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Triggering recycle (preview mode disabled)., ,
    8/27/2024 1:54:23 PM: Deployment successful., ,
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