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  • mmaty 117 posts 311 karma points
    17 days ago

    Umbraco 15 Backoffice API

    I'm going my first steps with Umbraco 15. What I want to achieve is getting and calling a backoffice api controller like it was possible with UmbracoAuthorizedApiController in the past.

    I learned, that the APIs now have the route /umbraco/management/api/v1/ plus some additional route segments. I can't manage to get a simple controller done. Consider the following code:

    public class EnvironmentController : ManagementApiControllerBase
        public string Get()
            return "Teststring";

    What is the right route to call this API from my backoffice extension? Is the above definition false? This would be the client code:

        .then(data=> = data);

    I tried with and without the get segment, it doesn't work. What I also want to achieve is, that the backoffice login should be sufficient to be authorized to all this api.

    Do you have any insights to share, which makes this working?

  • Yasir Butt 162 posts 372 karma points
    15 days ago
    Yasir Butt


    Here is my simple backoffice controller for my custom section.

    [Authorize(Policy = AuthorizationPolicies.BackOfficeAccess)]
    public class BackOfficeControllerBase : ControllerBase
    { }

    You need some other configuration to make it work.

    public class IchBackofficeApiOperationSecurityFilter : BackOfficeSecurityRequirementsOperationFilterBase
         protected override string ApiName => "ich";

    Your swagger config if you need it

     internal class ConfigureBackofficeSwaggerGenOptions : IConfigureOptions<SwaggerGenOptions>
         public void Configure(SwaggerGenOptions options)
                new Microsoft.OpenApi.Models.OpenApiInfo
                    Title = "Ich Backoffice Api",
                    Version = "1.0",
                    Description = "Ich backoffice Api"
              var schemaHelper = new SwashbuckleSchemaHelper();
              options.CustomSchemaIds(type => schemaHelper.GetSchemaId(type));

    And a composer

    public class IchApiComposer : IComposer
         public void Compose(IUmbracoBuilder builder)

    Hope it will help you.


  • mmaty 117 posts 311 karma points
    1 week ago

    @yasir: Thanks for your answer. I tried to implement your approach and the api shows up in /umbraco/swagger. That's good. But if I try it in in the swagger UI, it shows me a 401 status code:

    www-authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_token",error_description="The specified token is invalid.",error_uri="" 

    In the same browser in another tab I am logged in into the backoffice. What can I do to avoid these 401 errors?

  • mmaty 117 posts 311 karma points
    1 week ago

    If anybody searches for an answer to this question, here is the solution.

    import { OpenAPI } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/external/backend-api';
    export class FFDashboard extends LitElement {
      environment = 'Unknown'
      async connectedCallback(): Promise<void> {
        const tokenPromise = (OpenAPI.TOKEN as any as () => Promise<string>);
        const token = await tokenPromise();
        let response = await fetch("/umbraco/backoffice/api/environment", {
                'Authorization':'Bearer ' + token
        this.environment = await response.json();

    I had to get the token of the current logon session. This happens in the two lines beginning with "const tokenPromise = ....".

    After the second line we have the token and can set it in an request header as shown. The controller works like @yasir has shown above (with altered route and ApiName).

  • jcrmerlin 4 posts 74 karma points
    4 days ago

    Wow, it took me an hour searching for an answer and here it is, plain and simple. Thanks a lot!

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