However I want to get the connectionString from a file named /AppSettings.config to make it possible to have control over the keys in source control.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Media -->
<Provider alias="media" type="Our.Umbraco.FileSystemProviders.Azure.AzureBlobFileSystem, Our.Umbraco.FileSystemProviders.Azure">
<add key="containerName" value="media"/>
<add key="rootUrl" value=""/>
<add key="connectionString"
Optional configuration value determining the maximum number of days to cache items in the browser.
Defaults to 365 days.
<add key="maxDays" value="365"/>
And the AppSettings.config
<!-- Azure File blob connection string-->
<add key="AzureFilesConnectionString" value="xxx" />
<!-- SendGrid-->
<add key="mailAccount" value="My mail account." />
<add key="mailPassword" value="My mail password." />
<!-- Google -->
<add key="GoogleClientID" value="" />
<add key="GoogleClientSecret" value="My Google client secret." />
Use AppSetting value in FileSystemsProviders.config (UmbracoFileSystemProviders.Azure)
I am trying to use the excellent Azure blob storage providere from
However I want to get the connectionString from a file named /AppSettings.config to make it possible to have control over the keys in source control.
And the AppSettings.config
And what is your question exactly?
Is it possible to use the value from AppSettings in another config file in a way like this?
There seems to be a perfect pull request on the github site for this plugin, which will be solving this issue. Hopefully it will be merged:
is working on a reply...