Consider app.config remapping of assembly warnings after upgrade
Upgraded from 7.2.8 to 7.4.2 and now have several warnings after build. For example, the first is:
Consider app.config remapping of assembly "System.Web.Razor, Culture=neutral,
1> PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" from Version "" [C:\Program Files (x
1> 86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v2.0\Assemblies\System.Web.Razor.dll]
1> to Version "" [C:\Users\roger_000\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projec
1> ts\UmbracoWebsites\packages\Microsoft.AspNet.Razor.3.2.3\lib\net45\System.Web
1> .Razor.dll] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
Consider app.config remapping of assembly warnings after upgrade
Upgraded from 7.2.8 to 7.4.2 and now have several warnings after build. For example, the first is: Consider app.config remapping of assembly "System.Web.Razor, Culture=neutral, 1> PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" from Version "" [C:\Program Files (x 1> 86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v2.0\Assemblies\System.Web.Razor.dll] 1> to Version "" [C:\Users\roger_000\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projec 1> ts\UmbracoWebsites\packages\Microsoft.AspNet.Razor.3.2.3\lib\net45\System.Web 1> .Razor.dll] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
Could you please advise what I do next?
Your help would be much appreciated.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Sounds like your web.config wasn't updated with the binding redirects to MCV 5.
There's some details here:
I would mostly just do a winmerge/beyondcompare of a fresh 7.4.2 web.config against your current web.config, some more details of that here:
is working on a reply...