Is there a way to disable user notifications - saving content too slow with many cms users (editors)
Dear community,
since I added about 300 cms users (editors - not members), the save and publishing process for any node takes about 20 seconds, When I run a profiler on the sql server I could see that for every user following sql gets executed:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT DISTINCT, umbracoUser2NodeNotify.userId, umbracoNode.nodeObjectType, umbracoUser2NodeNotify.action
FROM [umbracoUser2NodeNotify]
INNER JOIN [umbracoNode]
ON [umbracoUser2NodeNotify].[nodeId] = [umbracoNode].[id]
WHERE (([umbracoUser2NodeNotify].[userId] = @0))
ORDER BY ([umbracoNode].[id])',N'@0 int',@0=83
As we are not using any notifications, is there a way to disable them? as unfortunately, I need all the 300 users, and in the future, there will be even more required. In case this is not possible, would the best solution be to download the source and build my own umbraco version?
not really, I created my own umbraco branch, commented out the database call to check for notifications. I can now publish content again within a second, unfortunately now I cant use approval chains that are using notifications. So hopefully I find a better solution one day.
Is there a way to disable user notifications - saving content too slow with many cms users (editors)
Dear community, since I added about 300 cms users (editors - not members), the save and publishing process for any node takes about 20 seconds, When I run a profiler on the sql server I could see that for every user following sql gets executed:
As we are not using any notifications, is there a way to disable them? as unfortunately, I need all the 300 users, and in the future, there will be even more required. In case this is not possible, would the best solution be to download the source and build my own umbraco version?
Hi Ralf,
Did you solve the problem?
Which version of Umbraco are you using?
Can you call this saving in async way?
not really, I created my own umbraco branch, commented out the database call to check for notifications. I can now publish content again within a second, unfortunately now I cant use approval chains that are using notifications. So hopefully I find a better solution one day.
I reported this issue a while ago on the Issue Tracker:
The SQL isn't very efficient, unfortunately.
is working on a reply...