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  • Mac McDell 73 posts 148 karma points
    Jul 05, 2016 @ 21:22
    Mac McDell

    Cannot get nupicker to work

    I'm stuck. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong with the lucene nupicker product. running version 1.5.3.

    1. I select lucene checkbox picker with the expectation is that on the backoffice there would be a textbox which would generate a list of matching content based on the index that you can check select.
    2. presented with the following where I select the lucene index to use. enter image description here
    3. Save

    on the backoffice however I get this... I can't select or query anything... enter image description here

    Any idea what I am doing wrong? Can someone explain the 'raw query'? I can't find any documentation on the main site here

    my lucene index is setup with only one includeNodeType and when I query the index from backoffice it returns data fine.

      <IndexSet SetName="ExternalIndexSet" IndexPath="~/App_Data/TEMP/ExamineIndexes/{machinename}/External/">
      <add Name="documentTypeAlias"/>

  • Dennis Aaen 4500 posts 18255 karma points admin hq c-trib
    Jul 06, 2016 @ 15:23
    Dennis Aaen

    Hi Mac,

    Perhaps this blogpost about examine can help you a step further.

    Or perhaps this documentation about the examine

    Hope this helps,


  • Mac McDell 73 posts 148 karma points
    Jul 13, 2016 @ 17:16
    Mac McDell

    Hi. The reason this wasn't working was that we did not include in the IndexAttributeFields the value of nodeTypeAlias. It makes sense immediately once we figured out that was the issue. so for example if you are using your lucene picker with a custom indexer and that indexer is only storing a few different nodes.. example

     <IndexSet SetName="ArticleIndexSet" IndexPath="~/App_Data/TEMP/ExamineIndexes/{machinename}/ArticleSet/">
          <add Name="id" />
          <add Name="nodeName" />
          <add Name="metaKeywords" />
          <add Name="summary" />
          <add Name="author" />
          <add Name="article"/>

    and then in your raw Query of the picker you use +nodeTypeAlias:article it won't work because the nodeAliasType is missing from the collection. You need it to look like this:

          <add Name="id" />
          <add Name="nodeName" />
          <add Name="nodeTypeAlias" />

    Yup...obvious when you figure it out.. head scratcher until then.

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