I want to create an API using umbraco. By using this i will generate a url which can be used anywhere. For this, I created two custom table in umbraco.
My problem is that how to deal with custom table in umbraco to fetch/update/delete result. On searching i found 'PetaPoco' is better to go with. But i have not idea how to start with.
I tried to install petapoco using nuget but it is giving me error. I am using latest umbraco 7.6.4
Deals with custom table in umbraco to create API
I want to create an API using umbraco. By using this i will generate a url which can be used anywhere. For this, I created two custom table in umbraco.
My problem is that how to deal with custom table in umbraco to fetch/update/delete result. On searching i found 'PetaPoco' is better to go with. But i have not idea how to start with.
I tried to install petapoco using nuget but it is giving me error. I am using latest umbraco 7.6.4
Is there any other way to achieve this .
Umbraco has npoco already installed as is used in the core you can use that. see https://our.umbraco.org/forum/extending-umbraco-and-using-the-api/82275-apicontroller-plus-custom-data-table-insert-issues
Also to maintain the tables you can use the excellent https://our.umbraco.org/projects/developer-tools/ui-o-matic/ to do crud of your tables in backoffice.
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