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Hi all on a fresh install of 7.6.5 if I try and link to an item in the media section the hyperlink is never established on the highlighted text.
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this?
After choosing the media instead of displaying the media path the top input field is greyed out with Url written in it instead of the path.
Most often experienced when creating a new content item before save and publish
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Rich Text Link to Media Not Working 7.6.5
Hi all on a fresh install of 7.6.5 if I try and link to an item in the media section the hyperlink is never established on the highlighted text.
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this?
After choosing the media instead of displaying the media path the top input field is greyed out with Url written in it instead of the path.
Most often experienced when creating a new content item before save and publish
is working on a reply...