Display content on page receiving content node id from query string
I am in a situation where I want to display some content from a page that links to a "Booking" page, which receives the content node id of the page that linked it.
So my URL might look like this: "booking?id=1160" , where the id refers to the content node that linked to the page.
My question is how I can display content from this node on the booking page?
Is there a way to render a specific Umbraco field from the template? I want to display only the prices from the previous page on the booking page and not the whole template.
Display content on page receiving content node id from query string
I am in a situation where I want to display some content from a page that links to a "Booking" page, which receives the content node id of the page that linked it.
So my URL might look like this: "booking?id=1160" , where the id refers to the content node that linked to the page.
My question is how I can display content from this node on the booking page?
Hi Thomas
You can render this page in the place where you want with Umbraco RenderTemplate method, example:
Hi Alex
Thanks, that worked for me.
Is there a way to render a specific Umbraco field from the template? I want to display only the prices from the previous page on the booking page and not the whole template.
Hi Thomas, try this code:
Hi Thomas
Is it working for you? Share, please.
Hi Alex
Sorry, I found another solution that worked for me.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day!
is working on a reply...