I manged to roll back to 16299.15 and get back up and running...
Does seem that is was the cookie thing for me too, hopefully the corrupt component fix in the next preview solves iisexpress and iis!
Not too keen on iisexpress as seems to be something of an issue with viewport sizes not corresponding with Bootstrap breakpoints.. 767 kicks in around 844, same site running locally on the same box in iis 767 is where it kicks in.
windows10 17017.1000 IIS and IIS Express hosed????
Anyone else moved to the latest windows insider preview 17017.1000 (not the step ahead one...)
Seeing IIS and IIS express failing to load the umbraco admin...
http://localhost:50654/umbraco/ServerVariables?umbrnd=ffffffffc37b61f8&umbrnd=undefined.undefined net::ERRCONNECTIONREFUSED
Same here :-(
Haven't found a solution yet, rollback doesn't work for some reason either. So I'm not very happy currently. Working on a VM for now.
My event log has this error:
This post also mentions there's no problems until a cookie is set, which corresponds with the behavior I'm seeing.
Looks like it's been fixed for the next release :-)
I manged to roll back to 16299.15 and get back up and running...
Does seem that is was the cookie thing for me too, hopefully the corrupt component fix in the next preview solves iisexpress and iis!
Not too keen on iisexpress as seems to be something of an issue with viewport sizes not corresponding with Bootstrap breakpoints.. 767 kicks in around 844, same site running locally on the same box in iis 767 is where it kicks in.
FYI: I just received build 171020-1626 and I'm up and running again, IIS Express is fixed and this nasty issue which I also ran into after rebooting my machine last week is also fixed: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/RecoveringFromTheWindows10InsidersFast17017VolsnapsysRebootGSODBSOD.aspx
is working on a reply...