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  • Mike Dorst 53 posts 215 karma points
    Nov 08, 2017 @ 12:06
    Mike Dorst

    Downdown menu

    I made a menu for umbraco but I can't get the dropdown to work! Below is my code:

    @inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
                        <div class="NavDigiCampuz">
                                <div class="nav nav-list tree">
                                        var documentRootNodeId = Model.Content.GetPropertyValue("documentRoot", true); // Fetch recursive document root id.
                                        var selection = Umbraco.TypedContent(documentRootNodeId).Children.Where("Visible"); // Select all nodes below the document root.
                                    @foreach(var item in Model.Content.Ancestor(1).Descendants("menu")){
                                        foreach (var Menus in @item.Descendants("menuItem")){
                                            <li class="MenuItems">@Menus.Name</li>  
                                                foreach (var MenuItems in @Menus.Children){
                                                    if(MenuItems.GetPropertyValue("hoofdstukIcoon") != "") {
                                                    <li><a class="NormalA" href="@MenuItems.Url"><i class="fa fa-@(MenuItems.GetPropertyValue("hoofdstukIcoon")) fa-fw"></i> @MenuItems.Name</a></li>
                                                        }else {
                                                                <li><a class="NormalA"href="@MenuItems.Url">@MenuItems.Name</a></li>
                                                    var childIsActive = false;
                                                        foreach(var sub in @MenuItems.Children){
                                                        if (CurrentPage.Url == sub.Url) {
                                                            childIsActive = true;
                                                <ul class="nav subnav nav-list tree @(childIsActive ? "" : "collapse")">
                                                    @foreach(var sub2 in @MenuItems.Children){
                                                        <li @(CurrentPage.Url == sub.Url ? "class=active" : "")>
                                                            <a onclick="parent.resizeParent();" href="@sub.Url">@(sub.GetPropertyValue("hoofdstukMenuTitel") != "" ? sub.GetPropertyValue("hoofdstukMenuTitel") : sub.GetPropertyValue("hoofdstukTitel"))</a>

    The dropdown code should start at <ul class="nav subnav nav-list tree @(childIsActive ? "" : "collapse")"> but that doesn't seem to work.

    Below is a quick structure of how I want my page to be: Menu Structure

    Help item 3 should have a dropdown which it doesn't have right now. What am I missing?+

  • Steve Morgan 1349 posts 4459 karma points c-trib
    Nov 08, 2017 @ 16:03
    Steve Morgan

    Careful with your razor @ tags...

    I think you need to correct

    @foreach(var sub2 in @MenuItems.Children){


    @foreach(var sub2 in MenuItems.Children){


    foreach (var Menus in @item.Descendants("menuItem")){

    should probably be

    @foreach (var Menus in item.Descendants("menuItem")){

    The general rule of thumb is you need only an '@' when you are "out" of what I call "razor mode". This is usually when you're not in a @{ } block or when you have opened some HTML tag.. then razor is only expecting more HTML until you say @[HEREISSOMERAZOR] either with a @ { } block or as you're doign with inline @(somevariable.GetPropertyValue<...)

    If you're already in "razor mode" then you don't need @ signs in fact it just tends to cause weird bugs e.g. for variables and the like.

    I hope that makes sense.


  • Mike Dorst 53 posts 215 karma points
    Nov 08, 2017 @ 16:23
    Mike Dorst

    Thanks for the answer! Both unfortunately did not give me a dropdown box. The second foreach should be without the @ because it errors on that. Thanks for trying to help out though!

  • Steve Morgan 1349 posts 4459 karma points c-trib
    Nov 08, 2017 @ 17:19
    Steve Morgan


    Rereading your post - you expect a dropdown why? You're outputting html for a list so unless you have some JS that runs on the page or some CSS that styles it heavily it's always going to look like a sublist?!?

    To make a dropdown you need to output some markup like:

      <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
      <option value="saab">Saab</option>
      <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
      <option value="audi">Audi</option>
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