You can also use Archetype or the Nested Content in Umbraco core if you need a bit more control of the values, which both support re-use og other datatypes, e.g. you could have fields/columns for Name (string/textbox), Age (int/number), Image (media picker).
Repeatable textstrings
Is it possible to have the datatype : Repeatable textstrings with 2 textbox ?
At the moment the repeatable textstring datatype is only for saving an array of strings. If you want more like a matrix of strings you could use this matrix datatype
Another approach is to use this Table Editor
You can also use Archetype or the Nested Content in Umbraco core if you need a bit more control of the values, which both support re-use og other datatypes, e.g. you could have fields/columns for Name (string/textbox), Age (int/number), Image (media picker).
Thanks Bjarne.
is working on a reply...