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  • Terry Clancy 204 posts 944 karma points
    Apr 19, 2018 @ 22:45
    Terry Clancy

    Umbraco Unit Testing Problems due to null ApplicationContext / Umbraco Context

    Hi all,

    I am struggling to get Unit Testing working for Umbraco Scenarios that require UmbracoContext . I have ready many post on the topic but am still having issues …………….

    I am basically using the approach detailed at . Unfortunately, the following Line:

    var routingContext = this.GetRoutingContext("/", -1, umbracoSettings: settings);

    Causes the following exception (full exception below):

    Value cannot be null. Parameter name: applicationContext

    On the following line of “BaseDatabaseFactoryTests.cs” ( from Umbraco.Tests.dll )

      var ctx = new UmbracoContext(
            new PublishedCaches(cache, new PublishedMediaCache(ApplicationContext)),
            new WebSecurity(httpContext, ApplicationContext));

    . This same bug is described at and the resolution suggested there was to use NUnit rather than MSTests. So after some work I made the move to NUnit but was disappointed to find that it did not actually salve the problem.

    So here is the code that I am using:

    using log4net;
    using NUnit.Framework;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using TeraTastic.Constants;
    using TeraTastic.Models.TT_USPSXML;
    using TeraTastic.TT_USPSXML_Classes;
    using TeraTastic.TT_USPSXML_Classes.AddressValidateRequestNs;
    using UCommerce.EntitiesV2;
    namespace TeraTastic.TT_UnitTests
        public class TTUSPSXMLTests
            private static readonly ILog iMXML_Log = TeraTastic.TT_Classes.TT_Log4NetUtils.TT_Get_IMXML_Logger(typeof(TTUCTests));
            public void TT_USPS_020_ShippingRateRequest()
                TTUSPSTestHelper tTUSPSTestHelper = new TTUSPSTestHelper();
                var returnVal = tTUSPSTestHelper.TT_USPS_020_ShippingRateRequest_Helper();
            // ========================================40

    And here is the Helper Class that is used by the Test Class above

    namespace TeraTastic.TT_UnitTests
        public class TTUSPSTestHelper : BaseRoutingTest    //  <<<<<<<<<<<  Note we inherit from BaseRoutingTest as recommended by blog referenced below
            //  As described at 
            private static IPublishedContent content;
            private static UmbracoContext umbracoContext;
            private static UmbracoHelper umbracoHelper;
            // Note - do not override Constructor (ctor)
            public void TTUSPSTestInit()           {
                content = Mock.Of<IPublishedContent>();
                var settings = SettingsForTests.GenerateMockSettings();
    // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FOLLOWING LINE CAUSES THE EXCEPTION
                var routingContext = this.GetRoutingContext("/", -1, umbracoSettings: settings);  
                umbracoContext = routingContext.UmbracoContext;
                umbracoHelper = new UmbracoHelper(umbracoContext, content);
            public Money TT_USPS_020_ShippingRateRequest_Helper()

    FYI I am using:

    • Umbraco version 7.5.10 (assembly: 1.0.6261.14290)

    • UCommerce uCommerce

    • NUnit {3.10.1}

    • NUnit3TestAdapter {3.10.0}

    • Moq {4.1.1309.0919}

    • A complete listing of Nuget installed packages is below (under the listing of the exception)

    • I also added a reference to Umbraco.Tests.dll from a folder that also contains Umbraco.Tests.dll.config and Umbraco.Tests.pdb. I got these files from downloading source for Umbraco version 7.5.10 and rebuilding to create those files.

    Any help or guidance resolving this would be greatly appreciated :-)


    Terry Clancy.


    Here is the full listing of the exception:

    System.ArgumentNullException occurred HResult=0x80004003 Message=Value cannot be null. Parameter name: applicationContext Source=umbraco StackTrace: at Umbraco.Web.PublishedCache.XmlPublishedCache.PublishedMediaCache..ctor(ApplicationContext applicationContext) at Umbraco.Tests.TestHelpers.BaseDatabaseFactoryTest.GetUmbracoContext(String url, Int32 templateId, RouteData routeData, Boolean setSingleton) in C:\Clancy\ATeraTastic\Dev\UmbracoCMS01\UmbracoCMS.7.5.1\Umbraco-CMS-release-7.5.1\src\Umbraco.Tests\TestHelpers\BaseDatabaseFactoryTest.cs:line 364 at Umbraco.Tests.TestHelpers.BaseRoutingTest.GetRoutingContext(String url, Int32 templateId, RouteData routeData, Boolean setUmbracoContextCurrent, IUmbracoSettingsSection umbracoSettings) in C:\Clancy\ATeraTastic\Dev\UmbracoCMS01\UmbracoCMS.7.5.1\Umbraco-CMS-release-7.5.1\src\Umbraco.Tests\TestHelpers\BaseRoutingTest.cs:line 34 at TeraTastic.TTUnitTests.TTUSPSTestHelper..ctor() in C:\Clancy\ATeraTastic\Dev\TT15\TeraTastic\TTUnitTests\TTUSPSTestHelper.cs:line 40 at TeraTastic.TTUnitTests.TTUSPSXMLTests.TTUSPS020ShippingRateRequest() in C:\Clancy\ATeraTastic\Dev\TT15\TeraTastic\TT_UnitTests\TTUSPSXMLTests.cs:line 90

    Here is a complete listing of Nuget installed packages:

    PM> Get-Package

    Id Versions ProjectName
    -- -------- -----------
    AutoMapper {3.0.0} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    ClientDependency {1.9.1} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    ClientDependency-Mvc {} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    ClientDependency-Mvc5 {} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Examine {} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    HtmlAgilityPack {1.4.9} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    ImageProcessor {} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    ImageProcessor.Web {} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Lucene.Net {} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Lucene.Net.Contrib {} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Markdown {1.14.4} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core {2.2.1} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin {2.2.1} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc {5.2.3} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.FixedDispla... {5.0.0} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.AspNet.Razor {3.2.3} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi {5.2.3} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client {5.2.3} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core {5.2.3} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost {5.2.3} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages {3.2.3} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.Bcl {1.1.9} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.Bcl.Build {1.0.14} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.Net.Http {2.2.28} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.Owin {3.0.1} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb {3.0.1} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.Owin.Security {3.0.1} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies {3.0.1} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth {3.0.1} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure {} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    MiniProfiler {2.1.0} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    MySql.Data {6.9.9} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Newtonsoft.Json {6.0.8} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    Owin {1.0} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    semver {1.1.2} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    SharpZipLib {0.86.0} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    UmbracoCms.Core {7.5.0} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    UrlRewritingNet {2.0.7} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    xmlrpcnet {2.5.0} Governor.Umbraco.FullTextSearch
    AutoMapper {3.0.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    bootstrap {3.0.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    bootstrap.sass {4.0.0-alpha3} uCommerce.RazorStore
    ClientDependency {1.8.4} uCommerce.RazorStore
    ClientDependency-Mvc {} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Examine {} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Gulp.js {1.0.2} uCommerce.RazorStore
    HtmlAgilityPack {1.4.9} uCommerce.RazorStore
    ImageProcessor {} uCommerce.RazorStore
    ImageProcessor.Web {} uCommerce.RazorStore
    jQuery {3.1.1} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Lucene.Net {} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Markdown {1.14.4} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core {2.2.1} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin {2.2.1} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc {4.0.20710.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.FixedDispla... {1.0.1} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.AspNet.Razor {2.0.30506.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi {4.0.30506.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client {4.0.30506.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core {4.0.30506.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost {4.0.30506.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages {2.0.30506.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.Net.Http {2.0.20710.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.Owin {3.0.1} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb {3.0.1} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.Owin.Security {3.0.1} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies {3.0.1} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth {3.0.1} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure {} uCommerce.RazorStore
    MiniProfiler {2.1.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Modernizr {2.6.2} uCommerce.RazorStore
    MySql.Data {6.6.5} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Newtonsoft.Json {6.0.8} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Node.js {5.3.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Npm.js {} uCommerce.RazorStore
    Owin {1.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    semver {1.1.2} uCommerce.RazorStore
    SharpZipLib {0.86.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    UmbracoCms.Core {7.1.4} uCommerce.RazorStore
    UrlRewritingNet {2.0.7} uCommerce.RazorStore
    xmlrpcnet {2.5.0} uCommerce.RazorStore
    AutoMapper {3.3.1} TeraTastic
    bootstrap {3.0.0} TeraTastic
    Castle.Core {3.3.3} TeraTastic
    ClientDependency {1.9.2} TeraTastic
    ClientDependency-Mvc5 {} TeraTastic
    Examine {0.1.81} TeraTastic
    HtmlAgilityPack {1.4.9} TeraTastic
    ImageProcessor {2.5.2} TeraTastic
    ImageProcessor.Web {4.8.2} TeraTastic
    ImageProcessor.Web.Config {} TeraTastic
    jQuery {1.10.2} TeraTastic
    Lucene.Net {} TeraTastic
    Markdown {1.14.7} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core {2.2.1} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin {2.2.1} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc {5.2.3} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.AspNet.Razor {3.2.3} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi {5.2.3} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client {5.2.3} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core {5.2.3} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost {5.2.3} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages {3.2.3} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers {1.0.0} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common {1.0.0} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp {1.0.0} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotN... {1.0.0} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream {1.2.1} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.Net.Compilers {1.0.0} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.Owin {3.0.1} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb {3.0.1} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.Owin.Security {3.0.1} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies {3.0.1} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook {3.0.1} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth {3.0.1} TeraTastic
    Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure {} TeraTastic
    MiniProfiler {2.1.0} TeraTastic
    Modernizr {2.6.2} TeraTastic
    Moq {4.1.1309.0919} TeraTastic
    MySql.Data {6.9.9} TeraTastic
    Newtonsoft.Json {6.0.8} TeraTastic
    NUnit {3.10.1} TeraTastic
    NUnit3TestAdapter {3.10.0} TeraTastic
    Owin {1.0} TeraTastic
    semver {1.1.2} TeraTastic
    SharpZipLib {0.86.0} TeraTastic
    System.Collections.Immutable {1.1.36} TeraTastic
    System.Reflection.Metadata {1.0.21} TeraTastic
    Umbraco.ModelsBuilder {3.0.5} TeraTastic
    UmbracoCms {7.5.10} TeraTastic
    UmbracoCms.Core {7.5.10} TeraTastic
    UmbracoIdentity {5.0.0} TeraTastic
    UmbracoIdentity.Core {5.0.0} TeraTastic
    UrlRewritingNet {2.0.7} TeraTastic
    xmlrpcnet {2.5.0} TeraTastic

    Thanks again

    Terry Clancy ClanceZ

  • Terry Clancy 204 posts 944 karma points
    Apr 20, 2018 @ 06:01
    Terry Clancy


    An Update.... I have just read Lars-Erik's latter blog post at

    As a result I have now removed my project reference to Umbraco.Tests.dll and removed that file as well as Umbraco.Tests.dll.config and Umbraco.Tests.pdb from the bin folder.

    I then installed the "Our.Umbraco.Community.Tests" Nuget package (Version 7.5.10 to match my installed version of Umbraco.)

    Unfortunately I am still getting the same error :-(

    Terry Clancy

  • Dave Woestenborghs 3504 posts 12135 karma points MVP 9x admin c-trib
    Apr 20, 2018 @ 06:27
    Dave Woestenborghs

    Hi Terry,

    I see you are using NUnit 3. If i'm correct, to use the umbraco test helpers you need to "downgrade" to NUnit 2.6. That is the version in Umbraco Core

    And that works for us.


  • Dave Woestenborghs 3504 posts 12135 karma points MVP 9x admin c-trib
    Apr 20, 2018 @ 06:35
    Dave Woestenborghs

    And just checked a Umbraco 7.5 project we have running with tests

        public abstract class BaseControllerTest : BaseRoutingTest
            protected UmbracoContext UmbracoContext { get; set; }
            protected UmbracoHelper UmbracoHelper { get; set; }
            protected IPublishedContent Content { get; set; }
            protected  RouteData RouteData { get; set; }
            public override void Initialize()
                this.RouteData = new RouteData();
                var routingContext = this.GetRoutingContext(
                this.UmbracoContext = routingContext.UmbracoContext;
                this.Content = Mock.Of<IPublishedContent>();
                this.UmbracoContext.PublishedContentRequest = new Umbraco.Web.Routing.PublishedContentRequest(
                    new Uri("http://localhost"),
                    s => new string[0])
                    PublishedContent = this.Content,
                    Culture = new CultureInfo("nl-NL")
                var routeDefinition = new RouteDefinition
                    PublishedContentRequest = this.UmbracoContext.PublishedContentRequest
                           this.RouteData.DataTokens.Add(Constants.Web.UmbracoRouteDefinitionDataToken, routeDefinition);
                  this.UmbracoHelper = new UmbracoHelper(
                    new Mock<ICultureDictionary>(),
                    new MembershipHelper(this.UmbracoContext, Mock.Of<MembershipProvider>(), Mock.Of<RoleProvider>()));
            public override void TearDown()
                this.UmbracoHelper = null;
                this.UmbracoContext = null;
                this.Content = null;
  • Terry Clancy 204 posts 944 karma points
    Apr 20, 2018 @ 07:41
    Terry Clancy

    Dave ,

    Thanks so much. Looks like we were working in parallel. I was studying Lars-Erik's blog at in great detail and solved the problem as follows

    If you replace the TTUSPSTestInit() method in my original post with the following it works:

    public void TTUSPSTestInit()   
                InitializeFixture();        // New
                try                     // New     
                    Initialize();           // New  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  Note I think this was the main thing that fixed it.
                catch (InvalidOperationException ex)    // New
                    if (ex.Message.StartsWith("Resolution is frozen"))  // New
                        throw new Exception("Resolution is frozen. This is probably because UmbracoSupport.DisposeUmbraco wasn't called before another UmbracoSupport.SetupUmbraco call.");         // New
                content = Mock.Of<IPublishedContent>();
                var settings = SettingsForTests.GenerateMockSettings();
                SettingsForTests.ConfigureSettings(settings);       // New
                var currentPage = Mock.Of<IPublishedContent>();         // New
                var routingContext = this.GetRoutingContext("http://localhost", -1, umbracoSettings: settings);
                umbracoContext = routingContext.UmbracoContext;
                umbracoHelper = new UmbracoHelper(umbracoContext, content);

    Note that even though I have this working I think I will thow that code away and use the "UmbracoSupport" Class and related approach as detailed by Lars-Erik's (after the heading "THE IMPLEMENTATION") in his blog at .

    Dave's approach above also looks to be viable alternative and Dave thanks again for that.

    Thanks all :-)

    Terry Clancy ClanceZ

  • Dave Woestenborghs 3504 posts 12135 karma points MVP 9x admin c-trib
    Apr 20, 2018 @ 08:16
    Dave Woestenborghs

    Hi Terry,

    In newer projects we also switched to the Umbraco Support class.

    But this is an older project where I copied the code from, before the Umbraco Support thing was released.


  • Terry Clancy 204 posts 944 karma points
    Apr 20, 2018 @ 17:19
    Terry Clancy


    Thanks for the follow-up - good to know. Have a good weekend :-)

    Terry Clancy


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