Approved color with value 002960 gets truncated to 2960
Approved color with value 002960 gets truncated to 2960 after upgrading to 7.10.4. This happens to all colors starting with 00 followed by numeric value. However, 000AF0 will work just fine. Any ideas?
Approved color with value 002960 gets truncated to 2960
Approved color with value 002960 gets truncated to 2960 after upgrading to 7.10.4. This happens to all colors starting with 00 followed by numeric value. However, 000AF0 will work just fine. Any ideas?
Hi David,
If you say Approved Color ? Do you mean the core color picker ?
Using the build-in "Approved Color" data type with a set of defined colors. Also, EnablePropertyValueConverters is false as this is an older project.
This is def a bug. Workaround:
this seems to work but we now have to update many templates :(
I would look at the issue tracker ( if someone reported it. If not, please do so!
i did :)
Hi David,
I commented on the issue. It works for me with Property value converters enabled. I also commented that on the issue tracker.
Can you try if it works in your case with property value converters enabled ?
is working on a reply...