Just wondering whether there is a simple guide on customizing that info page for each doctype? Can I override this in app_plugins just like with regular dashboard pages?
Also you might find interest in these two articles on how to tweak the backoffice using overrides in the app_plugins folder if you did not already know about them? :)
Guide for customizing the Info Page?
Just wondering whether there is a simple guide on customizing that info page for each doctype? Can I override this in app_plugins just like with regular dashboard pages?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Marcus
I assume it's the info tab on document types that you're referring to? :)
What kind of customisations do you want to be able to make to it?
It is possible to tweak it using overrides in the app_plugins folder.
Nathan Woulfe shared an example on how to hide the "unpulish button" based on certain user groups, which could also be used to customize what is available on the info tab - You can see his comment and code example here https://our.umbraco.org/forum/using-umbraco-and-getting-started/92253-editing-the-view-for-information-tab#comment-291865
Also you might find interest in these two articles on how to tweak the backoffice using overrides in the app_plugins folder if you did not already know about them? :)
Matt Brailsford - https://24days.in/umbraco-cms/2015/umbraco-7-back-office-tweaks/
Dave Woestenborghs - https://skrift.io/articles/archive/changing-backoffice-functionality-without-changing-core-code/
Hope this helps.
I have seen others put custom docs for the page in the info page but didn't see any specific docs on how to do it until this.
Like adding custom docs etc. Awesome thanks.
Hi Macrus
What kind of custom docs? Can you provide an example? Not quite sure I get it? :-)
is working on a reply...