I have never used Umbraco before but was recently tasked to migrate a Umbraco-setup to a new server.
Never coded in Visual Studio or dotNet, but experience with NodeJS, PHP and Java.
Anyhow, I got the code running on a Windows Server 2016 VM, with the media hosted on a Azure Storage blob.
The problem is, and this was a problem even before the migration, that uploaded images gets saved in the DB without full-path to Azure.
They gets saved with relative paths and then the previews doesn't work.
I read some threads about similar problems but they didn't get me anywhere.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Media -->
<Provider alias="media" type="Our.Umbraco.FileSystemProviders.Azure.AzureBlobFileSystem, Our.Umbraco.FileSystemProviders.Azure">
<add key="containerName" value="media"/>
<add key="rootUrl" value="http://blobcontainer.blob.core.windows.net/"/>
<add key="connectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=blobcontainer;AccountKey=asfasfasf/asfafsfsa/asfafsfs==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net"/>
Optional configuration value determining the maximum number of days to cache items in the browser.
Defaults to 365 days.
<add key="maxDays" value="365"/>
When true this allows the VirtualPathProvider to use the deafult "media" route prefix regardless
of the container name.
<add key="useDefaultRoute" value="true"/>
When true blob containers will be private instead of public what means that you can't access the original blob file directly from its blob url.
<add key="usePrivateContainer" value="false"/>
Broken imagelinks on upload
Hi. I have never used Umbraco before but was recently tasked to migrate a Umbraco-setup to a new server. Never coded in Visual Studio or dotNet, but experience with NodeJS, PHP and Java.
Anyhow, I got the code running on a Windows Server 2016 VM, with the media hosted on a Azure Storage blob.
The problem is, and this was a problem even before the migration, that uploaded images gets saved in the DB without full-path to Azure. They gets saved with relative paths and then the previews doesn't work.
I read some threads about similar problems but they didn't get me anywhere.
Images are uploaded correctly and if ya add the https://blobcontainer.blob.core.windows.net everything works.
My configs that I think is relevant is:
Any help would be appreciated!
is working on a reply...