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  • cosminu 9 posts 103 karma points
    Jan 15, 2019 @ 09:33

    Browse local IISExpress installation from another computer

    Hi Everyone!

    This is not actually a question, but I wanted to share this with anyone needing to access the Umbraco application hosted on local IISExpress (or even IIS also) from another computer in the network or in the internet. It is sometimes useful to let someone access Umbraco before it is actually published on a hosting server in order to receive some feedback.

    I have googled this and most solutions found are pretty complicated and involve changing ApplicationHost.config, firewall changes or having a secondary IIS Website installed and possibly other complicated steps.

    The solution I found most easy is to use an app called ngrok ( It is fairly simple:

    For IIS Express you just run the command:

    ngrok http iisExpreesPort -host-header="localhost:iisExpressPort"


    ngrok http 65160 -host-header="localhost:65160"

    For IIS Hosted scenario:

    ngrok http 80

    And you access it through a generated url like this -> localhost:65160

    And that's it. You can access the umbraco installation by using the url generated by ngrok and you are all set up.

    Just a caution: you are allowing access from the internet and anyone having the url can access your umbraco backend (or to your entire IIS installation if you run the second command) and, if not properly secured with a strong password, can cause issues, so be careful! Anyways, the url does expire in 6-8 hours but it's enough to serve the purpose.

    Hope this helps anyone in need now or in the future :).

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