I am having problems with exporting sensitive data (which with the right user permissions can be seen in the form entries section) but when I chose to use the default 'Export to Excel' option with the same user permissions, the spreadsheet includes the following message in the "This value is hidden. If you need access to view this value please contact your website administrator" in the fields where sensitive data has been marked.
Any ideas of what settings I need to update to fix this?
Sensitive data not exporting from forms
I am having problems with exporting sensitive data (which with the right user permissions can be seen in the form entries section) but when I chose to use the default 'Export to Excel' option with the same user permissions, the spreadsheet includes the following message in the "This value is hidden. If you need access to view this value please contact your website administrator" in the fields where sensitive data has been marked.
Any ideas of what settings I need to update to fix this?
is working on a reply...