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  • Mohammad Azeem 31 posts 74 karma points
    Oct 25, 2019 @ 10:52
    Mohammad Azeem

    HTML not rendering in section of the Umbraco backoffice after creating Tree

    i am trying to create custom section named UMTDirectory, and create necessary files under App_Plugins folder by following this link , but unfortunately am unable to render the view in back-office however it appears in menu. following is the structure of folder. enter image description here package.manifest code below

      "javascript": [
      "sections": [
          "alias": "umtDirectory",
          "name": "UMT Directory",
          "view": "~/App_Plugins/UMTDirectory/umtDirectory.html"


        .controller("My.PersonPickerController", function ($scope, personResource) {
            personResource.getAll().then(function (response) {
                $scope.people =;


    <h1>Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries </h1>
    <div ng-controller="My.PersonPickerController">
            <li ng-repeat="person in people">
                <a href ng-click="model.value = person.Name">{{person.Name}}</a>


        function($q, $http, umbRequestHelper) {
            // the factory object returned
            return {
                // this calls the ApiController we setup earlier
                getAll: function () {
                return umbRequestHelper.resourcePromise(
                "Failed to retrieve all Person data");

    Directory Controller

    namespace MyProj.Controllers
        [Tree("umtDirectory", "umtDirectoryAlias", TreeTitle = "UMT Directory",  SortOrder = 5)]
        public class DirectoryController : TreeController
            protected override TreeNodeCollection GetTreeNodes(string id, FormDataCollection queryStrings)
                // check if we're rendering the root node's children
                if (id == Constants.System.Root.ToInvariantString())
                    // you can get your custom nodes from anywhere, and they can represent anything...
                    Dictionary<int, string> favouriteThings = new Dictionary<int, string>();
                    //favouriteThings.Add(1, "Add Faculty/Staff Member");
                    // create our node collection
                    var nodes = new TreeNodeCollection();
                    // loop through our favourite things and create a tree item for each one
                    foreach (var thing in favouriteThings)
                        // add each node to the tree collection using the base CreateTreeNode method
                        // it has several overloads, using here unique Id of tree item, -1 is the Id of the parent node to create, eg the root of this tree is -1 by convention - the querystring collection passed into this route - the name of the tree node -  css class of icon to display for the node - and whether the item has child nodes
                        var node = CreateTreeNode(thing.Key.ToString(), "-1", queryStrings, thing.Value, "icon-presentation", false);
                    return nodes;
                // this tree doesn't support rendering more than 1 level
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            protected override MenuItemCollection GetMenuForNode(string id, FormDataCollection queryStrings)
                // create a Menu Item Collection to return so people can interact with the nodes in your tree
                var menu = new MenuItemCollection();
                if (id == Constants.System.Root.ToInvariantString())
                    // root actions, perhaps users can create new items in this tree, or perhaps it's not a content tree, it might be a read only tree, or each node item might represent something entirely different...
                    // add your menu item actions or custom ActionMenuItems
                    menu.Items.Add(new CreateChildEntity(Services.TextService));
                    // add refresh menu item (note no dialog)
                    menu.Items.Add(new RefreshNode(Services.TextService, true));
                    return menu;
                // add a delete action to each individual item
                menu.Items.Add<ActionDelete>(Services.TextService, true, opensDialog: true);
                return menu;
            protected override TreeNode CreateRootNode(FormDataCollection queryStrings)
                var root = base.CreateRootNode(queryStrings);
                //optionally setting a routepath would allow you to load in a custom UI instead of the usual behaviour for a tree
                //root.RoutePath = "umtDirectory"; //string.Format("{0}/{1}", "umtDirectory", "umtDirectory.html");
                // set the icon
                root.Icon = "icon-hearts";
                // set to false for a custom tree with a single node.
                root.HasChildren = false;
                //url for menu
                root.MenuUrl = null;
                return root;

    what i see in backoffice is enter image description here

    please help

    Thanks for your time

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