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  • Mus'ab 158 posts 387 karma points notactivated
    Nov 06, 2019 @ 18:48

    How to pagination with examine umbraco 8 ?


    is there any way to identify the number of results that i want returned by examine like skip but before executing the whole query ?

  • S Rupa 8 posts 111 karma points
    Nov 06, 2019 @ 23:52
    S Rupa

    This may help ? Assume you have a publishedDate field for sorting. Update it as required.

    ISearchResults has total count. (TotalItemCount)

    public static ISearchResults GetNodes(string nodeAlias, int parentId = 0)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeAlias))
                return null;
            if (ExamineManager.Instance.TryGetIndex("ExternalIndex", out var index))
                var searcher = index.GetSearcher();
                if (parentId == 0)
                    return searcher.CreateQuery().NodeTypeAlias(nodeAlias)
                        .OrderByDescending(new SortableField("publishedDate", SortType.Long)).Execute();
                return searcher.CreateQuery().ParentId(parentId).And().NodeTypeAlias(nodeAlias)
                    .OrderByDescending(new SortableField("publishedDate", SortType.Long)).Execute();
            return null;
  • Mus'ab 158 posts 387 karma points notactivated
    Nov 07, 2019 @ 08:18

    Hi S Rupa

    as i see your code is for sorting by date my case is that i have a huge number of nodes and i don't want examine to return them all at once i want to be able to chose that i want to return 4 results for example and identify witch 4 like first 4 result or second 4 result and so on.

    here is my code

         if (ExamineManager.Instance.TryGetIndex("InternalIndex", out var index))
                    var mainSettings = Umbraco.Content(2564);
                    var searcher = index.GetSearcher();
                    ISearchResults ExamineResults = null;
                    var query = searcher.CreateQuery("content");
                    IBooleanOperation queryOperations = query.Field("__NodeTypeAlias", "newsItem");
                    if (CategoryPath != "")
                        //CategoryPath = Umbraco.Content(2626).Path;
                        queryOperations = queryOperations.And().Field("path", CategoryPath.MultipleCharacterWildcard());
                    if (Keyword != "")
                        queryOperations = queryOperations.And().Field("newsTitle", Keyword);
                    if (Year != "")
                        int mon = Month.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Month);
                        queryOperations= queryOperations.And().RangeQuery<DateTime>("publish_time".Split(','),new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(Year), mon, 1),new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(Year), mon, 31));
                    ExamineResults=queryOperations.OrderByDescending(new SortableField[] { new SortableField("publish_time") }).Execute();

    this search should return more than 500 node so i will waste the time if i make query get all of the node to display just 4 nodes every time any advice ?

  • Jesper Weber 54 posts 170 karma points c-trib
    Jun 16, 2020 @ 14:37
    Jesper Weber


    The execute method takes a maxResults parameter which specifies the number of results to return. The default value is 500.

    Execute(int maxResults = 500)
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