Henk Boelman
Henk is a Cloud AI Architect and Microsoft AI MVP from the Netherlands. He started out as a software developer in the late '90s and later moved on to the role of architect. He now guides organisations in their cloud adventure, with a strong focus on creating intelligent cloud solutions. He loves to share his knowledge about topics such as DevOps, Azure and Artificial Intelligence by providing training courses and he is a regular speaker at user groups and international conferences.

member groups not working after upgrade to 7.4.1
Reply by Henk Boelman Feb 27, 2016 @ 07:42

Manage hostnames programmatically through the API
Reply by Henk Boelman Aug 04, 2015 @ 22:05

Changing the message "The current user doesn't have permissions to edit this document. Please contact the system administrator."
Reply by Michael Westgate Apr 26, 2013 @ 12:49
Packages voted up

An Azure Blob Storage IFileSystem provider for Umbraco. Used to offload static files in the media section…
Updated: 14 December 2023

A code first approach for Umbraco 7+ uTransporter is a extension for Umbraco 7+. With a code first approach, it helps …
Updated: 14 December 2023