Can someone please help me with the BingMap control? I did the following:
1. Installed the package
2. Created a BingMap node called Map1
3. Created a BingPlace node called House1 as a child node of Map1 and set the Lat/Long
4. Created a BingPlace node called House2 as a child node of Map1 and set the Lat/Long
5. Created a BingSearch node called Search as a child node of Map1 and set the keyword to "Hotels"
6. Created a template called McDoleDrive and added a BingMapAdvanced macro to the template. Set the BingMapNode property to the node id of the Map1 node.
7. Created a content node with McDoleDrive as the template.
Are you receiving any JavaScript errors on the page? Duplicate jquery declarations may cause the errors which would cause the map to not display.
Did you register for an API key from and supply that information during install (also available on the developer section as a dashboard tab)? This is the other case i have seen with the map not displaying.
Thanks for responding. I'm not getting any javascript errors. I did register for a key and I think its working since the BingPlaces I added geocoded correctly. I am seeing an error in the umbracoLog:
At /WebResource.axd?d=COSt3PS9oScVEp_EQnu_m-wwpUC_R88ZQ0cqSsSnMrXy9Ndr3Qj1XspEv8WznbwXZnKKmonUDd55iyJZdapzBZQpAmsh6Dh93IQsncx4tHI1&t=634080550578584573 (Referred by: http://umb.test.local/umbraco/editContent.aspx?id=1049):
I am confused on how the Bing Maps plug in is supposed to work.
1. Is this compatible with Umbraco 4.5.2
2. How do you use this? I tried to create both an basic and an advanced. Both using the WYSIWYG and placing the Macro in there and also placing the Macro in the template. Still no go. I have a page with the sub nodes being a Bing Map > Bing Place.
3. I am testing on a site behind a firewall. Could that be an issue too???
How am I supposed to get the map to show up on the front end? Is there any more documentation other than the screen comps. Maybe a process that needs to happen. Step by step instructions with images, a screen cast?
Thanks in advance. Looks like a great Package if I could get it to work.
BingMap won't display
Can someone please help me with the BingMap control? I did the following:
1. Installed the package
2. Created a BingMap node called Map1
3. Created a BingPlace node called House1 as a child node of Map1 and set the Lat/Long
4. Created a BingPlace node called House2 as a child node of Map1 and set the Lat/Long
5. Created a BingSearch node called Search as a child node of Map1 and set the keyword to "Hotels"
6. Created a template called McDoleDrive and added a BingMapAdvanced macro to the template. Set the BingMapNode property to the node id of the Map1 node.
7. Created a content node with McDoleDrive as the template.
8. Published everything.
My page is blank and the source contains this:
<div id='ctl00_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderDefault_bingMapAdvanced_1_map' style='position:relative; width:400px; height:400px;'></div>
Are you receiving any JavaScript errors on the page? Duplicate jquery declarations may cause the errors which would cause the map to not display.
Did you register for an API key from and supply that information during install (also available on the developer section as a dashboard tab)? This is the other case i have seen with the map not displaying.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for responding. I'm not getting any javascript errors. I did register for a key and I think its working since the BingPlaces I added geocoded correctly. I am seeing an error in the umbracoLog:
At /WebResource.axd?d=COSt3PS9oScVEp_EQnu_m-wwpUC_R88ZQ0cqSsSnMrXy9Ndr3Qj1XspEv8WznbwXZnKKmonUDd55iyJZdapzBZQpAmsh6Dh93IQsncx4tHI1&t=634080550578584573 (Referred by: http://umb.test.local/umbraco/editContent.aspx?id=1049):
Make sure your template includes at a mininum the body tag and the form tag (runat=server), preferably the entire html-head-body definition.
The jquery requires the body tag and the package requires the form tag to write javascript injections at runtime.
DOOH....that was it. I didn't have anything but the macro in the content placeholder. Thanks much for the help.
I am confused on how the Bing Maps plug in is supposed to work.
1. Is this compatible with Umbraco 4.5.2
2. How do you use this? I tried to create both an basic and an advanced. Both using the WYSIWYG and placing the Macro in there and also placing the Macro in the template. Still no go. I have a page with the sub nodes being a Bing Map > Bing Place.
3. I am testing on a site behind a firewall. Could that be an issue too???
How am I supposed to get the map to show up on the front end? Is there any more documentation other than the screen comps. Maybe a process that needs to happen. Step by step instructions with images, a screen cast?
Thanks in advance. Looks like a great Package if I could get it to work.
is working on a reply...