4 votes

Cascading Properties


Chain/connect list-based controls in the backoffice to filter a child lists based on selected values in a parent ... This is known as cascading.

- List support: DropDowns, CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList and UltimatePicker
- Input support: TextString, TextBoxMulti, CheckBox (YesNo)
- Extend any list or input datatype using CascadingListBase or CascadingInputBase
- Manage cascade value mapping via a simple UI on property
- Mappings stored in /config/cascadingProperties.config
- Use of jquery for client side updates
- Doesn't effect stand datatype functionality
- Remove cascading at anytime and retain values
- Assign child option to multiple parent options
- Exact Parent->Child Matching
- Filtering with BeginsWith, Contains, EndWith, etc.
- Filtering with regular expression filtering
- Filter child list with parent TextBox

Changes in 1.1 release:
- Parent dropdowns can now have multiple child dropdowns

Changes in 1.2 release:
- Added ICascadingDataType for extending
- Added support for UltimatePicker

Changes in 1.3 release:
- Added support for CheckBoxList and RadioButtonList datatypes

Changes in 1.4 release:
- Cascading is done with key values instead of text values (breaking change)
- Reworked UI for cascade setup

Changes in 2.0 release
- childKeys assignable to multiple parentKeys
- Added 'Filtered' cascade type
- Added filter types (i.e. BeginsWiths, EndsWith, Contains, etc..)
- Added filtering with regular expressions
- Overhauled UI for standard filtering
- Fixed issue with listbox not hiding options

Changes in 2.1 release (current)
- Added support for CheckBox, TextBox, TextBoxMulti
- Checkbox state can show/hide child property
- TextBox state can show/hide/filter child property
- Overhauled extending to allow for ListBase and InputBase properties

Notes on extending:
- Inherit from CascadingListBase or CascadingInputBase
- Provide the datatype Guid and values
- Provide optional information about the extension
- Place compiled assembly in /bin.
- Done!


Thanks to @pdijksterhuis (https://en.twitter.com/pdijksterhuis) for the initial idea for this package.
Thanks to @
joeriks (https://en.twitter.com/joeriks) for the checkbox idea


- Introduction Video (v1.3): http://www.screenr.com/Bgc8
- Syncing a dropdown with an Ultimate picker: http://www.screenr.com/XtF8

Package owner

Daniel Bardi

Daniel Bardi

Daniel has 2562 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions:

Package Information

  • Package owner: Daniel Bardi
  • Created: 11/07/2012
  • Current version 2.1
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 3.6K

External resources