2 votes

Clip - Content Creation Rules

One of the great features of Umbraco's backoffice is the permissions model applied to content types - developers can implement a tightly controlled information architecture by configuring the parent-child relationships between those content types.
That's lovely, and allows developers plenty of control over how the site is ultimately structured.
However, there are a couple of gaps in how that model works:
  • it's not possible to control who can create which types
  • it's not possible to control how many of each type can be created
Fret not, Clip is here to help.
NOTE: Despite what the package repository search results might say, Clip requires Umbraco 10+
Control who creates what

We know Umbraco offers lots of flexibility, but sometimes we need to reign that in a little.
In large sites, with lots of user groups and more content types, we need to be able to control which groups can create which types.
Clip adds this functionality to the backoffice by allowing administrators to set permitted content types for each user group.
When creating new content, the allowed child node list is filtered to include only the permitted types.
Control how many of each type

Sometimes it doesn't make sense to allow more than one instance of a content type.
Typically, a site might have one news landing page. It more than likely has one homepage.
A site for a restaurant might have a page for each location, but shouldn't allow editors to create additional locations.
Clip adds this control to the backoffice by allowing administrators to set a maximum item count for any document type.
When creating new content, the allowed child node list is filtered to include only types that haven't hit their maximum item count.

NuGet install instructions for Umbraco 9+

dotnet add package Clip.Umbraco

Package owner

Nathan Woulfe

Nathan Woulfe

Nathan has 1665 karma points

Package Information

  • Package owner: Nathan Woulfe
  • Created: 18/07/2022
  • Current version v1.0.0
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 0
  • Downloads on NuGet: 5K
  • Total downloads : 5K