2 votes

Document Type Description

This package allows you to add a global description to a documenttype or a certain content-node. You only have to add the property-editor to your documenttype to show up your description. Create and edit your descriptions easily in the content section.

How to use it: https://youtu.be/AZPX3w8X8K0


Package owner

Thomas Beckert

Thomas Beckert

Thomas has 469 karma points

Package Compatibility

This package is compatible with the following versions as reported by community members who have downloaded this package:
Untested or doesn't work on Umbraco Cloud
Version 8.18.x (untested)

You must login before you can report on package compatibility.

Previously reported to work on versions:

Package Information

  • Package owner: Thomas Beckert
  • Created: 04/06/2016
  • Current version 1.0
  • License MIT
  • Downloads on Our: 307

External resources