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  • Warren Buckley 2106 posts 4836 karma points MVP ∞ admin hq c-trib
    Jan 28, 2014 @ 11:20
    Warren Buckley

    Suggestion - Right Sidebar dialog

    This looks great, I haven't had a chance to install it yet.
    But from the screenshots you have a popup window to select the files.

    Can I make a suggestion that the file picker is put into a dialog slideout on the right hand side so it fits more into the UI of Umbraco.

    Here is a code snippet that I am using on my Umbraco NuGet POC

    //Click Button - Pick Files
            $scope.pickFiles = function (folder) {
                //Open a dialog - passing in a ton of options
      { template: '../App_Plugins/NuGet/BackOffice/Packages/partials/dialogs/file-picker.html', callback: filesPicked, dialogData: { Folder: folder } });
                //When the node has been picked - do this...
                function filesPicked(pickedFiles) {
                    //Log the JSON object we get back from the dialog picker
  • lucuma 261 posts 563 karma points
    Jan 28, 2014 @ 12:47

    I originally started this package as a means to learn/use the dialogService (thanks for the code by the way) however for the sake of ease I used the dropbox dropin plugin which does not require any serverside code, the application to be approved (by dropbox) nor to use oath. It also means I have to live with how it pops open/etc.

    I may extend this component to have a server side piece that would allow me to do this, but right now I'm just working on packages that are front end only.

    Thanks for your feedback!

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